Does anyone know if the cost of tolls in france would be alot different from last year when we took a landrover disco with roof box and we are considering taking a short wheelbase low roof transit which is under 2 mtrs high but unsure if it will be more expensive.
Also going to ile de re just in case anyone knows toll charges difference
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If its under 2mtres high it will be class 1 rate same as car. The cost of tolls has risen since last yr. If the van is only fractionally under 2mtres some peages might read it as over 2mtres & charge you class 2. If you are under 2mtres you can argue the toss.
We use a SANEF TelePeage TAG for getting us through the Tolls without having to que, but the main reason for having the TAG was so that we do not get accidently charged for towing a trailer, as our trailer rig is 1.7m in height, photo in gallery.
The dedicated TAG Toll booth lane is restricted by a 2m height barrier, of course the TAG will get you through any of the other regular Toll booths, should you be in a vehicle over 2m in height.
The TAG is realy easy to get hold of, and works a treat.