With VAT at 16% in Germany, try Joeressens near Mönchengladbach (Rheindahlen). I bought mine there (although I do live in Germany). They speak good English and are used to dealing with people from the UK wishing to buy and take home to the UK. The mainly sell Hobby and Knaus. Rheindahlen is about 3.5 hours solo from Calais (on a good day Antwerp permitting!).
Elsewhere in the area are a few other dealers. Holland seems to have an abundance of dealerships for alsorts. Last week we went to South Limburg and saw at least 5 caravan outlets in the area.
Remember to take into account the legal width/length for use back in the uk as their larger range vans are illegal in the UK and also that the door opens on the opposite side.
See their website for details www.joeressen.de for more details
Good luck with your purchase.