Trekkin Trekkie - Easter is easter anywhere. Pack everything! It is very cold up the Jungfrau so you will need layers for warmth. Last week it was 22 deg but this week has been colder. I'm afraid I can't really advise!
rhodemi1 - You need to read "Living and workingin Switzerland" from cover to cover before you come. There are various other books which are quite amusing - ticking along with the swiss, xenophobics guide to the swiss etc. I live on the north German/Swiss border.
Here are some web links (this is a bit of fun - don't take it too seriously!)
The advice I can give you is that, Switzerland is very safe (kids walk to school on their own from age 6). The swiss are hard to get to know and quite conservative. They abide by rules at all times (I'm in the german part - Basel may be slightly less formal). Always shake hands with everyone when meeting or leaving!(even if your neighbour!). Other tips - do not speed. There are cameras and the faster you are over the limit, the higher the fine. (A friend had 1000CHF fine - ouch).
If you want to know anything else, then just post