No don’t work for PO. Or the CC.
But I know a lot about insurance cover and travel cover in particular sadly.
You say,
“In all honesty Peter, I am not sure what point you are trying to make, but don't want to bore other members by continuing this discussion.”
Well I do and here is the answer.
The point is you are frankly wrong to say there is cancellation cover when it’s very limited indeed. Try claiming. With CC you phone up and pay £10. With AT you get told call this company, fill in this and that form, Send this bill. Prove this and that and if you tick all the boxes you get some money but by no means the full amount.
You still don't post the costs of the trip or explain why you claim that cancellation is possible when it plainly is not unless you break a leg or go to prison.
Please travel with who ever you want and please why not tells us all what booking early cost.
I am sure they are cheaper, fact. Or were? But why is it. What I am trying to get clear are the facts, not just a statement with no proof that AT is better because you claim it is.
OK Its better, OK have the last word be my guest, but prove your point rather than say:-
"I don't understand why people are having problems with cancellation insurance."
When it is a minefield, it’s meant to be, that’s why they tell you in rather large lettering NO CANCELATIONS. When the facts of what you are covered for if you pay the extra are rather different to just plain Cancellation cover.
Did you read the terms before booking? I did hence my post last week.
I will not be posting again on this matter as like you it gets nowhere.
Enjoy your holiday and your crossing.