Quote: Originally posted by Zafiral on 27/7/2009
Pop top man's post shows how times and atitudes have changed of the last 30 or so years.
Now I am aware that I have an outfit that is close on 40' long and weighing in excess of 3.5 T fully laden. I am grateful that I do not need to take a B+E test, but I fully understand the need for one. It scares me that legally the Mother in Law could hire a 7.5 T lorry and drive up and down the country in it.
Before anyone jumps on me for being sexist, she would be the first to admit that her driving is not that confident and most other members of my family (OH included) have driven large Transit type vans so the difference would not be as servere as the step up from an Agila.
When my Mum and Dad first had a caravan my Dad had a Transit van as he used to race classic motorbikes on the weekends. So we all used to travel to the race meets in the van sat on Deck chairs in the back with the bikes!!!! That was about 30 odd years ago.
Then my Dad had the bright idea for us to travel to France for the holidays and most years we would travel in the transit van on deck chairs or a mattress in the back!! Oh those were the days of no health and safety!! My Dad cringes at the thought of the risks he was taking with his family back then, but at the time no one gave it a thought! 
Now I am a member of my own caravaning family and hubby is a Class 1 driver! We have only been towing for a year and I don't claim to be an expert but I too am scared by some of the outfits I see on the road, either driving too fast or the size of car to caravan. Even a novice like me can see that the caravan doesn't match the car! (And I don't mean colourwise either) 
Gives Caravanners a bad name!