Hi Fred
We bought a 1991 Avondale Leda Cheviot ourselves earlier this year and we have been out in it twice so far.
You should find two different leads and plugs on the towing bar. The black plug is used to power up the outside lights and indicators on the caravan when you are towing and the grey one is used to power the internal electrics, like the battery charger and the fridge when it is switched to running off the car's battery. If you have a double socket on your towbar, you can use both the black and grey plugs but if you only have a single one, you should only use the black plug.
With ours, if you are facing the front of the caravan from the outside, the electric hookup is under a small access flap a foot or so along the left-hand side and the water hose and pump is found under a second access flap about 5 or 6 feet further along the same side.
With the fresh water, you simply place your full water cannister/aquaroll close to the water hose flap and drop the water pump into it. Of course, what goes in must come out so you need to take care of the waste water as well. With our van, there are two different outlet points - one for the showerroom and another for the kitchen sink. You just push one end of a length of flexible hose onto each outlet and put the other end into a container so you can collect the waste. Like us, most people seem to have a wastemaster, which is a container on wheels so you can trundle it to the disposal point when it is full.
You haven't said whether you have a cassette-type loo or a portable one. We have a portable one. You have probably seen one of these before but, in case you haven't, they separate into two sections. The bottom one holds the waste and you need to add some of the blue toilet chemical to it before use - this helps to break down any solids. The top section is used for flushing and you fill this with fresh water and some of the pink fragranced toilet chemical before use. When you take the loo to be emptied, you'll probably find there is a separate chemical disposal point to pour it down. Make sure you use this and not the general waste water disposal point.
The fusebox in your caravan may be different to the one in mine so you really need to make sure the seller goes through everything with you before you drive away!
You'll probably find lots of other things to ask about (we certainly did) and some of these won't occur to you until you have made your first trip. Just take it steady and have a great time!!
Post last edited on 26/04/2007 14:28:49