A stay was mounted to the inside of the plastic cupboard frame (Swift) using a wooden spacer 1cm wide X4cm long X 1cm thick approx.
The screws really gripped well in the plastic
It was fitted just above and along the ridge half way up from front to back of the cupboard side using self tapping screws into the plastic and through pre drilled holes in the spacers.
The screws really grippped well in the plastic
The stay was then retracted and a small piece of tape mastic lightly placed on the end
The door was then closed and the mastic transferred to the door showing the exact position to fasten the end bracket.
The same method was used on the other kitchen roof locker
The door was hollow at that point so trim tape was stuck to the end of the bracket before screwing it on.
If the fixing to the door loosens at all then pop rivets could be used instead of screws.
------------- John