Well we always used to hook our tin tent up to the leccy 24 hours afore we were off BUT that was only while our old tin tent was able to be stored on the front of the house. Once we got the new Elddis....it all changed.....3' too long to fit easily on the front of the house so oft to storage it had to go.
That posed another prob, coz it meant that we literally only bring it home to load up now as it was too heavy to try and push up the shared drive off the road too, so the most it's on leccy for is between 6-8 hours over the past two years since we've had it and I weren't as chuffed about that but needs must and all that.
Anyhoo, last year I took up a suggestion I'd seen on another thread on here and went for the freezing of a couple bottles of milk beforehand to shove in the fridge to help it along with the 'chilling' process. Seemed like a good plan, not knowing how long it would take to get to the right temp once on site as we'd never had to bother waiting afore....BUT......believe it or not....I shoved the frozen 2 pint bottles of skimmed milk in on the Friday afternoon once we got the tin tent home and..........by TUESDAY.....they'd FINALLY all completely thawed outMethinks that this year....I'll be freezing ONE pint sizes. Up till then, we'd been chippin' out spoonfuls for our teas and doing a lot of shaking about of the bottles while they were sitting out of the fridge. Hilarious looking back, but the theory did seem to help with the cooling down doo dahI'd also frozen the bacon but that didn't take as long to thaw once I took it OUT of the fridgeAnd....I'd also shoved a one pint frozen bottle in the liccle coolbox we have inside the car with our sarnies for journey so that worked in conjunction with the freezer pack to keep our grub nice and COLD....weren't chilled! Trust me!
Mind you...thinking about this.....NOW we've got the motor mover, we COULD shove it up the drivereally?????? We've got nice neighbours who never mind this happening and as they don't actually use their garage anyhoo and we've always asked first to be polite-coz we always used to move the old tin tent up there on the level ground 24 hours before te off anyhoo so the fridge was standing level for chilling. Might mention that suggestion for.....next year.....hubby's already getting a fraught about goin' away as he ALWAYS does but gawd knows why?
Only 2 days and 15 hours and 7 mins till we're oft
------------- Hippychick