Unfortunately we suffered from floods in June so we have a caravan in the front garden. We are cooking and eating in the van but are managing to sleep upstairs. Not wanting to leave wastemaster and aquaroll outside we empty into a bucket. Well some lowlife broke into the back of the garage and relieved us of the wastemaster. They also opened all the boxes I had stored in there from the kitchen, but half bottles of bleach and used pots and pans did not interest them. If you are offered anything cheap, stop and think where has it come from
We should bring back the stocks, so that these low life rabble can be publicly shamed, and give us the pleasure of pelting them with all sorts of horrible stuff, from rotten vegetables to worse. Give you a satisfying way to empty your waste bucket, too.
We live inHull and have a strong feeling it was gypsies. They returned two weeks later as we had some cases of beer in the garage I had brought back from France for OH (they probably did not havetransport for anything else at the time) also a box of power tools but they would have been disappointed as these had been moved to patents house. Hopefully builders will be in early in the new year. Hope the house is finished by April as we have been given a provisional date of end of April for me to donate kidney to OH