Afternoon all, mum and dad went away last week in brand new Sterling Opal with island bed, quite posh, think they have arrived now!!!!! only to wake up with condensation running along the bottom walls about 12" from floor level, almost like a band of insulation was missing in this area. When they opened the wardrobes, the walls were also wet, especially where clothes had been touching the walls. hence all the clothes in that area were damp. Didnt think you got this severe condensation in a caravan, could it have been cos it was very cold that night, but why in just these 2 areas? Anyone come across this in theres? Havent contacted Swift yet thought someone may be able to come up with a reason before we see if its a construction problem.
Thanks it does seem to be quite common. I'll tell them to look into these crystals theyre talking about, i know it was minus 7, thanks god we decided to go home, left the baby with them though and she kicked the blankets off all nite!! ha ha good old nan n gramps eh, hot a good weekend im afraid. Cheer for now
When it is really cold there is a temptation to close the windows/vents. That's the wrong thing to do, you need lots of ventilation. As it was the first time out, and the van will have soaked up alot of moisture while sitting around. Moisture gets into the fabrics etc and needs to dry out. With the heating on moisture gets drawn into the air and then will condense on cold surfaces i.e. walls, windows etc. They will probably find that next time out the condensation is not as bad, but tell them to leave the roof vents open. Heat rises, so will expel the warm moist air and draw air in from the floor vents, drying out the van.
Thanks Bob, ive told dad and of course it makes sence, it was just quite unusual the way it was just a band of condensation all around the bedroom at floor level, for a about a foot high. looked like the suppliers had missed the insulstion out. Taking it away again at easter, as theyre off on a cruise to peru for a month (and keep rubbibg it in!!!!), so see how it goes when they go next. Thanks