Most modern diesel vehicles (made since 1995), require no modifications to start using biodiesel. However, it is possible that one of two minor part replacements will be required shortly after you first start using biodiesel. Whether these apply to your vehicle(s) depends on their age and manufacturer: Replacement of fuel filter shortly after starting to use biodiesel (not before) Replacement of rubber fuel hoses with synthetic/plastic hoses Most manufacturers now endorse the use of biodiesel up to at least 10% blends – for example Citroen now officially support the use of biodiesel blends up to B30 (30%).
Fuel Filter Replacement
The potential need to replace your vehicle's fuel filter shortly after starting to use biodiesel is due to one of the fuel's more beneficial qualities. Unlike mineral diesel, it does not cause a gradual build up of deposits within the fuel system, and where such deposits exist, the solvent properties of biodiesel cause them to break down. Starting to use biodiesel tends to have a cleansing effect on the engine, leading to the freed deposits gradually clogging the fuel filter, leaving it in need of replacement rather sooner than usual. Once the initial cleansing effect has completed, normal service rules apply for the replacement of the fuel filter.
Replacement of Rubber Fuel Hoses
Biodiesel's chemical composition means that on some older vehicles, which have rubber fuel hoses, the hoses can start to degrade. This issue can be resolved by simply replacing the hoses concerned with more modern synthetic (plastic) hoses. On many newer vehicles, these hoses will already be made of biodiesel-compatible materials, so this will not be an issue.
Fuel Pump Compatibility with biodiesel please click on the following link
Advantages of B100 (100% bio diesel)
Ø Chemically similar to diesel
Ø Burns up to 75% cleaner than diesel fuel made from fossil fuels
Ø Reduces atmospheric carbon dioxide increase by 100%
Ø 60% reduction in particulates (soot) and hydrocarbons
Ø Non toxic and biodegradable
Ø Fully degraded from a waterway environment within approximately 28 days
Ø Few real technical issues with use
Ø Reduces sulphur dioxide emissions by up to 100%.
Ø Reduces carbon monoxide emissions by up to 50%.
Ø Biodiesel is a renewable energy source.
Disadvantages of B100
Ø few vehicles actually warrantied to use it.
Ø may require (precautionary) blending over winter.
Advantages of B5 (5% bio, 95% mineral diesel)
Ø Can be used by any vehicle without infringing warranties.
Ø Disproportionate benefits to engine performance.
Ø 1% biodiesel will increase lubricity by 65%
Ø Helps businesses meet government green standards
Disadvantage of B5
Ø Ineligible for 20ppl duty derogation