My sister in law has just sold hers through Preloved. She had it on all the free places and ebay classified ads, but got most response from Preloved. I have also just sold my car through Preloved within 36 hours, someone came 200 miles for it! (and I've had quite a few more calls on it so there must be quite a following)
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We've just sold ours. Advertised it on E-bay, Preloved, UKCS, Asda, Sainsbury's & Morrisons, in the end it sold via E-bay. Don't put it through auction as E-bay take 10% of final value as well as insertion fee (can be expensive). Don't put a reserve on, just put a sensible start price your happy to accept should it go for that (very rarely do tho'). We sold ours as a classified (about £12ish) but also put on 'make an offer' then set E-bay to refuse offers below a set price. This way your not bombarded with stupid offers off people. Our 'van was sold in 4 days at only £200 less than full price of £6000, you have to decide what your prepared to accept & stick to it. We were lucky I suppose we had a lovely couple who paid a non refundable deposit into our bank account to secure the 'van, then turned up at the weekend to collect. All the way from Falkirk to Lincoln, boy they must have seriously liked our 'van.
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