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Hi.......i'm new to this forum so firstly HELLO!
Can anyone tell me if they own an Aeroplus wing and secondly have they noticed any radial cracks in the wing around the two roof bar mountings? I bought one when they were first available in June 2009 and only been used a dozen times and covered no more than 1,500 miles, I was horrified to find the last time I came to fit it to my car that many major cracks had appeared mainly visible from the rear of the wing but the cracks go right through to the front of the wing. I shudder to think what would have happened if this had gone unnoticed, possibly the whole wing apart from the two mounting brackets could have flown off and into my caravan windows at best, at worst into the windscreen of a following vehicle with dire consequences. At this moment in time i'm struggling to get any sense from the company who I purchased the wing from because it is just over the twelve months, 14 to be exact, and the distributor Purpleline, although concerned are waiting for my outcome from who I paid my money to! and to top it all both the managers at the retailer & distributor are on holiday and no-one can comment until they return.........which sort of leaves me in limbo! On the plus side, although I can't really say that my fuel consumption has improved any when using this product (Aeroplus wing) my right foot tells me the engine is not under as much load and with out doubt the stability of the car & caravan is greatly increased both when overtaking HGV's & coaches etc. and also when they overtake me, and also I have noticed my outfit is more stable in cross winds, therefore i'm reluctant to tow without it in future. I urge anyone who has got one of these Aeroplus wings to check it very carefully for any cracks and if any are found refrain from using it until it is reported to the company you purchased it from and the distributor Purpleline........also I would be great-full for any reply to my comments in this forum.