Try this link and read below
Just a thought while you're waiting... you did allow the gas to come through - sometimes it can take 4 or 5 attempts to light the heater due to air in the system
When you press the button to light the heater do you hear a faint clicking that stops when the red light comes on?
If yes do above if NO the ignition is faulty.
When you bleed the water did water get inside the coweling ( the Square on the outside) this would stop the gas from lighting as the control unit thingy is directly in line for a wash if water gets in the coweling.
Let the water dry or take the cowel off 4 screws the you will see a tin plate take this off and there is a retangle item dry this with towel or something.
I always got water in the cowel.
Try this also it is very informitive and
usefull and your answer could be on here whilst waiting for more answers
Ratty hope the link is ok as it is to help someone urgently