On a previous post I've been asking about carrying bikes on the back of the caravan, if not there how do you carry them. I've seem many foreign vans with them on the A Frame but is that possible with a UK van and if so which make of van can it be done on.
Quote: Originally posted by Merry on 23/10/2010
Coincidentally, just noticed this Ebay listing for a Bailey which apparently has a dealer-fitted bike rack on the A-frame.
Looks like a Fiamma rack. The trouble is that even with the lightest bikes you will be adding around 40kgs to your noseweight. Continental caravans have traditionally had much lower noseweights by design where as UK caravans tend to be heavy on the nose.
We have a "carabike" thingy - it's a stand that you put in the caravan and you carry the bikes inside all bungeed up. You have to watch your payload of course, but the carabike is great.