yes its worth it. a while back I bid on a wreck for the three way fridge. got the van for min bid £20 saw it and thought oh my god. the woman said its all or nothing as she wanted rid from her orchard. took wheel down road and got tyre patched and dragged it the twenty miles home. took half a day to strip it.
fridge £75. door £25. heater £25, windows £5-£10 each. sink £15. oven £20, fittings £5each. skylight £20. chassis £50. ali from body £40. and about £70. in bits and bibs. burnt the rest. and that was for a wreck, a half good one you can sell the cusions fittings etc etc. even the plastic wheel arch liner is sellable as trailer mud guards at £10 a pair in many cases. and if you have a Zigg or water heater or shower ?? the portable toilets fetch a fiver plus and a thetford will get £40
the ali goes straight to scrap yard bit and bobs will fit into a small shed with ease only thigs on show by end of the day is the flat trailer sell it cheap to get rid of or scrap it. the axle is the value rest goes with it so to speak. a fit adult could strip two a day with ease and logg the item correctly. windows are not made for the caravan. caravans use windows of that size. so note what its from but sell them by the size and shape. far too many people think their caravan is unique its not! its made from parts bought in. trust me I know !
as said previous a small quick profit is better than a long large profit that may never happen. sell cheap and reuse the space.
Post last edited on 15/04/2011 10:21:45