Am currently looking to change vans and are torn between the Bailey and the Sprite 6 berths. Apart from the price can anyone help with any pro's or con's of either make?
Not saying either are a bad van, but if you are getting one similar level to a Sprite (basic Swift) then either will be a real come down from a Superstorm.
Looking at the bailey Pegasus GT65 Turin, Pegasus Ancona and the Olympus 620-6. With Sprite its either the Quattro FB or Major 6. We're lookig at new vans if thats any help. Really wanted to know if there are any build or quality issues on the vans. I know that like new cars and houses nothing is perfect but sometimes vans have known 'issues' any help would be great!
No major issues with Alutech Baileys now, granted there were issue with a couple of early one documented elsewhere on this forum, we have had our Pegasus for just under 3 years & save minor snagging items, mainly bulbs it has been fine. The lighting is different now so this won't matter to current ones.