Hi all just returned from a brill week at Skirlington. Only fly in the ointment was problem with toilet flushing I have tried to research on previous threads but found nothing to help so would appreciate any input from anyone in the know, the toilet would flush intermittently, had a repair man (recommend by site) who checked power through to switch & found all in order he stated the reed switch was faulty & said he did'nt carry this as a spare but was an easy fix when I got home, has anyone had dealings with this & could this be the problem or any other ideas I'm confident in tackling this job myself the toilet model is Thetford c 200
Looking forward to your reply's
Regards Graham
Thanks for the reply Bob already downloaded the PDF.
Thanks Grampian will the reed switch from Maplins fit or does it have to be Thetford one & is it an easy repair
Regards Graham
The only reed switch in the Thetford C200 controls the tank full lamp and has nowt to do with the flush.
The repair guy might have been referring to the top membrane type switch which activates the flush, this is a self adhesive button/switch that can be replaced easily enough and detailed in the interactive repair guide you can find here.
However, given the issue is intermittent, I would fully check the fuse and fuse carrier located towards the back of the cassette compartment. These have been known to corrode, and just checking the fuse isn't sufficient to resolve the issue.
Ours conked out on first trip at Easter this season. The best info i read was...turn on light in showeroom then try flush. If the light dims slightly then circuit is working correctly. The switch on top of toilet should click on off along with light dimming on & off, try a few times to make sure this circuit is consistent. If it seems to be ok then it will probably be the pump on the way out/begining to stick. Mine had ceased up completely. Buy a new pump around £30.00, 1 hour or so to refit now working like a dream!
There are plenty of instructions about on how to refit so you should be ok. Hope this helps.
------------- I went to the top of the mountain...and looked over the other side!
Hi Paul & nutkins
I don't think it's the pump as this works intermittently so looks like electrical fault.
I checked the 3 amp fuse in the cassette compartment & yes this was slightly corroded but not blown I will check fuse carrier in a couple of weeks ( van now back in storage until next trip) & let you all know the outcome
Many thanks to all for the info
Regards Graham
It's a design fault with some modern caravans, where the fuse is exposed within what is by its nature, a moist environment, giving rise to corrosion. We encountered the same problem with our 2011 Sterling last Summer and spent a fortnight flushing the loo with a jug of water. The cause was a corroded fuse and corrosion to the fuse insert too. Our new coachman has enclosed the fuses away from the wet compartment, so the industry are aware of this problem and are designing it out. In the meantime, it's a common and blooming frustrating problem.