The blind in the my caravan (swift charisma 590) on the bunk bed windown will not stay down. A little plastic piece ( I presume to hold the blind down) has come out. Can anyone advise if I just need to take the blind of the wall and it is relativley straight forward to repair??
If it's the piece that clever has linked they are simple to change.
Just unscrew the bottom of blind runner ...pull the blind down and out then just remove the broken piece and push the new one into place then refit and screw the runner back
10 minute job at the most
Mine are forever coming out - especially when the grandchildren just let the blinds go with a bang !!!! I pull the blind down and then on an angle, there is enough give to just push the fitting on (if it is the one as above) slot the blind back in the runner and jobs a good one.
I did mne when I took it down a nd tbe plasic bit had lost its lugs so just kept slipping round so bought a second hand one blind it had to good plastic bits