Hello everyone. We have a Bailey Pageant Burgundy series 7 and I have noticed a couple of hairline cracks in the shower tray. They look like the crazing that you would get on ceramic tiles. I had the van serviced last week and asked the man if he knew of anything that would seal it. He said that he didn't know of anything but the cracks weren't serious. I am still a little concerned and wondered if any of you good people would know of a solution? I do tend to over think all of these things so would be very grateful of any forthcoming ideas. Thank you
I know it's a long way from you but Caravan and Motorhome Solutions in Chard do a lot of shower tray repairs. They may be able to help you or offer advice.
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We have a Bailey and I managed to put my heel into the plug hole and it cracked half way round. We got a caravan repair guy to plastic weld the split and now it's as good as new. With your hairline cracks I would think you need the tray sprayed with another layer to protect the cracks. There is a company called Speedcoat but I did find the quotes expensive. The problem with most caravan shower trays is that they are incredibly thin. Is your caravan still under warranty? Don't know if it would be covered. Hope you get it sorted.
They are most prob. only cracks in the gel coat IE smooth finish in shower tray..
If the cracks are right through you would see a water leak in front of shower before user gets out.
If you contact a fibre glass dealer or manufacturer they will be able to provide a new gel coat and instructions how to apply.
You may have to choose a different colour to existing tray colour unless they happen to make shower trays for caravans?..
You should be able to google a manufacturer near to you who should be most helpful.
A gel coat can be applied by brush or spray you may need to use wet and dry sand paper to provide a key for new coat
Good luck