Have to day wrinkly that we had a Powrtouch motor mover fitted to our tin tent on the morning of the day we were going away and it...is....FABULOUS!!! Could not have been more chuffed if it was solid gold!
We couldn't afford a motor mover of any description as our Ellie comes under the heavier van so needed the Mark 3 which would have cost us £1300. Wasn't gonna happen I'm afraid.....until....we spotted a thread on here where chindley had got hold of a reconditioned one, (Mark 1 which is about £1,000 to have fitted brand new), which he was intending to fit himself and the price had me almost jump up from the lappy! It only cost him £375, (or was it £350?), so he gave me the contact phone numnber and name of the lady I needed to speak to about getting a recon one fitted on ours.
We were a bit tight on time to say the least as we were going away at midnight on the 11th August and this was the weekend before! But.......,we were told that for having a Mark 3 recon one delivered and fitted would cost us....£650! Snapped up the bargin and sure enough it was delivered to our home on the Thursday, (10th), and the chap popped along to our storage site to fit it at 8am the following morning! Four hours later we were ready to roll. Fantastic!
I can now move it all on my owny o, (once hubby's locked the rollers on which I can't do with my disablities, but a minor hitch), and hubby is just so-o-o-o-o impressed with my skill
Made our entire holiday w-a-y less stressful and stopped poor hubby suffering another burst blood vessel in his eye which has been happening for the past two or three years when we have to move it as I'm only really any good for gently guiding it hanging on to the grab handles.
This mover has made me feel useful once again coz I am just so-o-o-o-o-o good at moving Ellie about now. I swear if moving a tin tent with the aid of a mover was an olympic event....I'd get the gold medal I am THAT good
You should have seen me manouvering the tin tent through the tight gap between where the EHU point was at the back of the van and the Land Rover Discovery on the next pitch which parked right up close to our pitch, (and we were almost on the dividing line with only room for the loo and waste water etc. to be emptied so we had more room on the other side for the awning and two cars. I tell ya...I was brilliant!
Not to mention how easily and accurately I drove Ellie up to the tow ball each time! Wicked!
I think that the Powrtouch may be a liccle bit heavier than the Rhino one, (our mark 3 is 37kg), but have to say that had it not been for dear chindley telling us all about the recon ones....my hubby's eye would have carried on with the burst blood vessels and his hernia that he's waiting to have repaired may have landed him in hospital two weeks ago!
Have you enquired about Rhino to see if they do recon ones too? Our recon one looks brand new and the actual remote is brand new as is the gismo that locks the rollers on. The fitter was telling me that the actual mover itself is stripped down with vital bits that are worn or damaged being replaced and then it's re-sprayed which is the only way you can tell the difference as the brand new ones are brilliant white while the recon ones are slightly cream in colour, which matters not to us! It certainly does the job.
We love ours and best £650 we've ever spent for definite!
------------- Hippychick