things like this really p*ss me off!!!!! Its bad enuff we have to have extra security on our homes, kids.. if it aint nailed down these days some bugger will have it.
I really feel for you and just hope that the b'stards that done this get their just desserts some day. meanwhile chin up and have a scout around am sure you will be able to replace the main items and enjoy it soon.
was it brand new or 2nd hand? if 2nd hand at least you will know it will have a new battery, water pump etc... not much consolation but have to be positive in times like this
For a more secure door Click_here , for an alarm i use one of these Click_here i use re-chargeable batteries with it and they last about 4 to 6 weeks , the one on ebay is dear , i got mine from Focus for £9.99 a few years back , it's a basic alarm .
Sorry to hear that Paul I hope the theiving scumbags fingers drop off !!!! Glad to hear that you have not let them get the better of you and you intend to carry on camping you will have all the support you need on here, good luck.
Really sorry to hear of your misfortune mate....Thankfully you have the determination to have a restart and that is good news for all of us...well done and hope you get everything sorted out quickly and back on the road!!! Floyd.
I am so sorry to hear your story. We got our first van on Saturday and also used it for the first time so I of know how gutted you must feel. I would have been devestated. Are there any breakers where you could get the parts needed?
It should be quite easy to reconnect a battery, if poss have a look at other caravans and you will see how to connect. Very similar to car battery. Not too sure about the water pump (or was it just the filter) if it was the filter and housing that again is not a difficult job. Really sorry for you, but these things can be remedied and you will soon be able to start enjoying caravanning.