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Shower parts for a swift corniche 19/09/2008
I have a mixer part missing for my shower, does anyone know where i can obtain a new part.
Also why... read more Swift Corniche alarm 12/09/2006
Thanks, that must be the tilt sensor.
Ill keep looking..... read more Swift Corniche alarm 11/09/2006
Hmmm!! I unscrewed a black box, unplugged two connectors removed box, drilled out rivets and removed... read more Swift Corniche alarm 08/09/2006
Thank you very much for your replies , I have a key pad, and my van is a 94 model.
I would like to ... read more Swift Corniche alarm 07/09/2006
Hi all, I wondered if i may have some direction, I have just purchased my first van, and I noticed i... read more
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