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Sterling Europa 450 EK, 4 berth, (1996) £ 3,500.00
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Location: Derbyshire Added: 26/07/2011 Price: £ 3,500.00
Manufacturer: Sterling Berths: 4 Year: 1996
Specification Includes:
End Kitchen, Bunkbeds, Fridge, Oven, Heater, Blown Air Heating, 240v Power, Water Heater, Cassette Toilet, Shower, Blinds, Flyscreens, Spare Wheel, TV Aerial, Battery charger, Internal Water Tank, CRIS Registered, No Smokers,
Here we have our Lovely Sterling caravan, we have had this just two years, but we have been away in it this last weekend for the first time since we had our new baby daughter, it was clear from the first night that we now need something bigger so its.....This ad is over six months old and has expired
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