Whether you are looking for a quiet eco-friendly retreat or you are hoping to expand on your glamping experience with some activities and off-site visits, Dorothy Goes Glamping are here to help!
We have created a list of nearby attractions, sites and activities that you can take a look at. Stay in a yurt or bell tent in the beautiful South Barrow area of Somerset and enjoy what the area has to offer! Other activities to do include:
Sausage making - make your own sausages and add different herbs and spices to create the perfect sausage
2 seater hot tub experience - £35 per session
Sparkford inn Car museum Air museum Red lion Karting Wag tail (near Morrison) Medway arms (dog friendly)
Glastonbury The Tor The 3 wishes cafe/pub good veggie bar (shurborune) Nine springs
Longleat Wooky hole
Lime Regis Dorset beach Cedder gorge Bearnen on sea
Please mention the UKCampsite.co.uk when you book or enquire!
The facilities shown on this website are a guide only, and you should check with the campsite direct before making any booking. The UKCampsite.co.uk will not be held responsible for any errors or omissions