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Tent Reviews: Outwell Wolf Lake 7

Tent and Awning Reviews Index  >  Outwell  >  Wolf Lake 7 Reviews

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Bedroom inners:
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7  (more 7 berth tents)
61.60 KG
Fully Sewn-in
In one
Average User Rating:
8.97/10 from 32 reviews

Viewed: 103275 times

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32 Reviews of the Wolf Lake 7         Showing 01 to 10          Page:   1   2   3   4  

By: Lmcelwee  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2013   Rating: 

We've had this tent now for 2 seasons. It's a fantastic tent. It's huge. It's heavy. But it's worth it for the comfort the additional space gives us.

There is a knack to pitching such a heavy tent but once it's up it's easy enough to peg out. We've pitched it in some serious winds and had no bother at all in fact the wind helped lift it up :-)

We were in Cornwall last week in very heavy rain and not a single leak.

Last year we had a week of beautiful sunshine on the Llyn Peninsula and the polycotton provided a pleasantly cooler tent. After spending 20 years using nylon tents this is a welcome relief. There are good ventilation points on all the windows in the tent. With mesh panels on the two side doors.

The poly cotton is also MUCH quieter in the wind. On the subject of wind - it does not budge in the wind. Other tents were doing the hokey cokey last week in the high winds and ours was set fast like a limpet to a rock.

We have the awning conversion kit so we can keep the rain out of the kitchen area but the door is rolled up most of the time to provide a lovely sheltered area to sit and enjoy the fresh air.

The living area is lovely and spacious we had 4 adults and 4 children eating supper in there on a wet & windy night in Bedgelert. We've found a good sized living area with children is extremely useful in poor weather. They have space to play and not develop cabin fever.

Plenty of storage pockets and handy hanging rails. I don't like to dry items in the tent but the rails in the awning are handy for hanging wet coats.
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By: Clarky Campers  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2015   Rating: 

I can't fault this tent. We absolutely love it. We have 3 children who refuse to share so after buying a £20 old model kids bedroom as per pics above, we converted the cupboard into an extra bedroom. We used some of the existing toggles and the rest with strong bull dog clips. It was a huge hit.

The tent is amazingly sturdy in wind and rain in comparison to others on the campsite which seem to ripple. It is an expensive tent but thoroughly worth it. The amount of space in the tent is also a godsend - it really becomes a home from home. We also wanted a dark tent to block out the morning light and we can sleep perfectly well (if other campers stop shouting)! The darkened windows are very handy indeed.

The tent has a huge amount of head space which is perfect for tall hubby and older children but for me at 5.5 I struggle to reach the top of the door zips or the light hanging up.

The only small problems I would change is to have window blinds in the awning section too (we have the conversion kit for maximum space). We've also found a way to speed up putting up/down: after you have put it up the first time, gather the arches together and lie on the floor - then slide out the poles and fold whilst still gathered. Don't know if its healthy for the tent to fold this way but it certainly saves time and pole and strain when I am trying to lift and hold sections.
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By: Ianofford  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2014   Rating: 

Not sure where to start. I purchased my tent at the end of 2013, after reading several reviews all telling me how good the tent is. I managed to get a good deal as It was the end of the season and its just as well I did. I wanted to pitch the tent as soon as possible after purchase and did so in my garden having watched the Outwell video on you tube. It went up really easily however to my horror tore as I tried to tension the poles. The anchor point simple ripped away from the tent. I returned the tent to the shop I purchased it from only to be advised that it could not be replaced as Outwell had stopped production as the new model was coming out early in 2014. Company refunded me some money and repaired the tent. Silly me for thinking that was the end of it. I placed the tent in storage following the repaired until the end of April when I went away. Upon pitching for the second time the same thing happened at a different point. This time I contacted Outwell direct and I must admit the service I received was excellent Outwell replaced my tent within days giving me the 2014 model which is exactly the same as the 2013. So. New tent hand my wife and I decided to pitch it again in the garden just to check if following delivery and yes you guessed it the same thing happened again. The same single stitched point ripped away from the tent. This is obviously a manufacturing issue one that I have raised with Outwell however they are yet to comment. When the tent is up its great and does everything we could want. I will post the final outcome shortly.
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By: Sarah lou  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2013   Rating: 

Lovely tent fantastic size. Its straight forward enough to put up although quite heavy but very sturdy when finished. Would recommend to any family for a great holiday. Its very spacious inside with plenty of storage. Well vented with lots of windows. Bedrooms are great sizes with various options. Porch is a bonus for drying clothes etc when whether is bad
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By: Macadoodle  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2013   Rating: 

Just thought I'd post our experience of a Wolflake 7 for other campers to read.

We bought the tent from a well established independent camping retailer in June (one of Outwell's main outlets for their stock), and got the tent, carpet, groundsheet and Awning Conversion. It was by no means cheap, but we hoped we would get many years use out of it considering Outwell's reputation for quality.

We used it for a week's camping in Dorset in August, and we were very disappointed to find a number of faults with the tent. Firstly, the carpet did not fit (this was the Outwell carpet specifically designed for the tent), the bedroom inner tent had a rip that had already been sewn up in the factory, one of the window vents had a rip in it, the wardrobe attachment point on the groundsheet broke as soon as it was touched and one of the pegging points on the Awning Conversion also broke.

Obviously we were surprised to find so many faults with a supposedly top quality tent, and it put a downer on the rest of our holiday - we were constantly thinking 'What will go wrong next?'

After we got home, we contacted the retailer and told them about the faults. They took it all back with the view to replacing the faulty items. This is where it gets even worse. Apparently they knew about the carpet, as they said that Outwell had produced ALL of their 2013 Wolflake 7 carpets with the holes in the wrong place, and wouldn't be manufacturing the redesigned carpets until next February! Furthermore, the retailer had run out of new Awning Conversions, and said that Outwell would also not be manufacturing any more of these until next year! I emailed Outwell, and they confirmed this was true. I work in the manufacturing industry, and find it gobsmacking that a company would not make enough stock to meet demand or spare parts for their customers.

In the end, we had to fight to get a refund from the retailer but we did eventually get our money back. One thing is for sure though - we won't be spending that money on another tent from Outwell. There seem to be some serious issues with quality control, and also their manufacturing processes and schedules leave a lot to be desired.
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By: Churzen  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2012   Rating: 

We have a 2012 WL7 and it is fantastic. We have just had our second family holiday in it and lives up to all our expectations. We bought the tent last year after extensive research as they are not cheap! But I have to say it is money well spent. There are only 3 of us, myself, my partner and our 5 year old son so it may seem a bit extravagant but it works perfectly and should do for years to come. We share the large bedroom and use the spare room as a wardrobe/dressing room which allows us to keep the minimum of 'stuff' in our bedroom. The living area is vast and we have a table and chairs that still allows space for our son to have all his toys etc out on the (carpeted) floor. Yes, we have the optional carpet and it is great. I have as yet to use any of the side guy lines and only use one at the rear and 3 at the front for the canopy, it is so stable in even quite strong winds. The polycotton material is excellent and helps to regulate temperature very well. So, if you have the money and are looking for a spacious, draught free, easy to pitch (albeit heavy) home from home then theWL7 is the way to go! P.S. I have a large estate car and a roof box and it is still a Squeeze, the bags are huge!
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By: Gent1970  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2011   Rating: 

This tent is pure quality, it will withstand almost anything, if your going to be doing a lot of camping then it's worth the cost, the only down side is that it's an heavy tent that does take up a lot of space in the car as it has 2 bags, this tent will not let you down, when everyone else's tent is flattened due to the wind yours will be stood proud.
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By: Tavvy  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2012   Rating: 

Just used our new WL7 for a long weekend in the New Forest and had to pitch for the first time ever in gale force winds. Luckily we had other friends to hold poles, but I have to say it didn't try to lift off, the heavier weight of the canvas helped. Once up it was solid as a rock.

As another reviewer noted there are a LOT of pegs, but they all seem to be sensibly placed.

I left the ZIG attached when we took it down and it was a struggle to lift the bag, it will be a two man/woman lift to move it about.

Thanks to the advice on here I was careful threading the side tensioners to avoid a snag on the webbing.

Next time I think we will thread each pole in turn starting from the rear and insert the pins before lifting up and see if that is easier than trying to lift all the poles at once.

The whole family is very pleased with the tent and it was well worth the money. I'm not keen on the 2013 sloping front design and glad we got the previous model with an open porch. The rain would pour in the sloping front and we saw one example with a ripped zip where someone had leaned on the door trying to open at a local camping shop display.

We're now getting a trailer as its not easy to extract the tent bags from underneath all the gear in the back of the Galaxy.

I didn't get a carpet as there wasn't one available on the cheap deal I found and this is proving a challenge to find one to fit 260x510. The new 2013 has a smaller internal floor area and the carpet reviews mention its poor quality compared to the older carpets. Might have found one a similar size for a HiGear Corado 8.

All in all a great purchase!
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By: Adrianaxle  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2010   Rating: 

We have just used our wolf lake 7 for the first time,we had bought a second hand one,as the new one was just out of our price range.We got a good deal on it,with carpet,footprint,side extension.

Anyway,as said,we used it for first time at Perran Sands in Cornwall,and what a tent it is,everything said about it is spot on,it stood tall in probably the strongest wind we have camped in.It never bothered it at all.The carpet,i feel would be a must,as it made it so cosy walking on.Don't think I would be without one anymore.Has lots of space and storage pockets.Bedrooms are big enough.The only downside to the tent is the weight,we had practiced at home before the trip.And found that it is easier to put the poles in facing forwards,then peg the rear,and go down the tent pole by pole.Would defo recommend this tent,will no doubt use it till it falls apart,and buy another.Could do with a front extension to go with the side one.
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By: Natali  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2010   Rating: 

We've owned out Wolf Lake for a couple of years now, and it's one of the best things we've ever bought.

Yes it is heavy but the benefits far outweigh this aspect.

We have just come back from a 2 week holiday and it definitely was a camping holiday of two parts. The first week we spent in the Coltswolds and the weather was extremely hot (35 degrees), our wolfie was fabulous, it didn't get too hot because of the polycotton canvas. My sister and brother in law came with us and theirs is a nylon tent, they spent most of their time in ours because their tent was absolutely stifling.

The second week we spent in the Peak District, the weather there was much cooler and rainy, one night there was a thunder storm, driving rain, thunder lightning the lot. This was a new experience for us to say the least. But Wolfie stood up beautifully, bone dry inside and barely moved unlike some of the others on the site that were flapping around and swaying throughout this night. Once again my sister and husband decamped to ours.

We have had a lot of fun with our Wolf Lake and it is a great investment which we will have for many years to come, you cannot go wrong with it. We use our 3rd bedroom as a walk-in wardrobe and changing room.

My only criticism and its only a small one, is that the main door have a fly sheet and thats only because I'm allergic to bee stings and get paranoid if I hear buzzing in the tent.
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32 User Reviews of the Wolf Lake 7 - Showing 01 to 10          Page:   1   2   3   4  

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Manufacturer's Description

Wolf Lake 7 offers style, comfort and loads of space in a four room tunnel tent sleeping seven in three bedrooms in a 2+3+2 layout. Packed with features for easy pitching and practical living, the open wide front of the front porch can be turned into a full awning with the optional conversion kit.

Type of tent: Four room tunnel tent
Sleeps people: 7
Flysheet: Outtex® Airtech (65% cotton / 35% polyester)
Inner tent: Breathable 100% pongee polyester
Rooms: 3 bedrooms, 1 living room
Poles: Alloy poles #6063, 25 mm, 2 upright steel poles
Floor: Tarpaulin PVC coated 100% polyester, 10,000 mm hydrostatic head
Groundsheet: Sealed Ground System, Zip-out
Pitching way: Flysheet first or as one
Pack size flysheet: 35 x 108 cm
Pack size poles: 28 x 105 cm
Weight flysheet: 33.9 kg
Weight poles: 27.7 kg

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