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Tent Reviews: Outwell Montana 6P

Tent and Awning Reviews Index  >  Outwell  >  Montana 6P Reviews

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Bedroom inners:
Living area groundsheet:
Pitching Style:
6  (more 6 berth tents)
36.50 KG
Fully Sewn-in
In one
Average User Rating:
9.26/10 from 226 reviews

Viewed: 416646 times

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226 Reviews of the Montana 6P         Showing 101 to 110          Page:   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23  

By: Sparklingdiamon  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2007   Rating: 

Very roomy and stable. Great add porch. Get the porch with side panels.

Groundsheet sewn in back to front so unable to connect the bedrooms to the central floor area, or fit the carpet properly.

Outwell not interested in the problem!

Bedrooms take a narrow double and a narrow single airbed in each, rather than 3 doubles across the whole bedroom floor area, due to the zipper in the middle.

Not a weekend tent, it takes too long to put up and take down.
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By: Tommy 45  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2010   Rating: 

Well here goes.The Montana 6 , got it in July but Sept weekend was our first chance to try it out so what did we think. Well the first thing we noticed was the same as many who own one and that is the porch is a poor design which causes undue stress to the side of the tent and severe tension on the porch poles themselves and a very narrow entrance. Another thing was that this tent looks much bigger in the shop that it does in the flesh. Never in a million years is this a 6 man tent, a full size airbed leaves no room at all round the sides. Now something I never took much notice of in the shop was the zips at the three entrances do not go round the full doors and to be honest we found the tent near impossible to heat because of serious draughts coming in from every door (because they don't zip all the way round) which left us absolutely freezing and that was with the heater on full ! Now I know it isn't summer but I don't expect a tent to be that cold to the extent that there was ICE ! on the inside ! as the very heavy condensation froze up. To top it all off we found a small hole just above the cable entry point which will only get worse if left so this tent is going back to Go Outdoors tomorrow to see if they will refund me or credit me as we are not happy with some of the stiching either or material that overlapped and caused zips to snag all the time.

Last year we had the Idaho XL. Why oh why did I sell it because it was a far superior tent it terms of build quality and comfort

Has this put us off Outwell tents. Well.Erm . Not sure. We'll see , sorry if this upsets any Monty 6 owners and believe me we are so disappointed to be writing these things but that's what we found.
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By: Gareths1980  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2010   Rating: 

We recently purchased the Outwell Montana 6 from Gooutdoors as enjoyed camping but had only ever shared other people’s tents

I was quite apprehensive about buying a big 6 man tent due to the difficulties we’ve had before trying to following some manufactures instructions or the fact you get loads of colour coded poles.

However I researched the Montana 6 for many weeks by reading reviews on this website, watching youtube films and the Outwell website. Which were all very helpful.

Me and my wife managed to erect the tent first time around in under 30 minutes without any problems. We’ve had the tent up twice now and both times managed to fit it back into the sturdy carry bag first time, all be it a bit snug.

Our 2 grumbles with the tent are like many other peoples, the front door leaks water in when you open it if it’s been raining or from the dew on a morning! And the other one is the front door privacy blind, if you don’t roll it up out the way when you have the door propped open with the poles, it sags down and gets quite annoying having to duck under it all the time.

Apart from them 2 tiny concerns I would highly recommend this tent to anyone due to it’s ease of erection , build quality and size.
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By: Cheekymrs  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2009   Rating: 

I've adored this tent for two full seasons now. Having survived any and everything the wonderful British weather can throw at it! Pitches easily - just 4 poles, each in 3 sections. Watch the Outwell video on Youtube, it really does help! It even goes away in it's bag - can be quite an effort mind, but still. This tent gives a huge amount of space and has excellent waterproofing (5000HH). Well worth the money - particularly with the footprint (protects the groundsheet), carpet (yep I'm nesh but so what!) and front extension (always somewhere to leave shoes etc and cook under in the rain. We camp in it with 2 adults and one child (Outwell PLEASE make the kids room available for left and right. I want one!) and have tons of sleeping space with luggage and the living space easily accommodates 4 adults and 3 children in bad weather, even with board games and DSs.
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By: TJ79  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2010   Rating: 

Not long returned from a great few days at Shrubbery Camping and Caravan Park near Lyme Regis. I have to say that this tent is absolutely worthy of all the great reviews on this site - one of the reasons I bought it.

I had practised pitching in the garden before the trip, and after following some of the videos online (ignored the Outwell instructions as frankly they are rubbish), was feeling mildly confident! It took two of us an hour to pitch - high winds did not help. Pitching is surprisingly easy once you get the hang of it, and the vast number of guys really make this tent feel secure. Once pitched up it was a case of doing the same with the extension (a worthwhile purchase). I will say that the pegs supplied by Outwell aren't great. They are a firm-ish plastic, but I didn't have a great deal of confidence so bought some more heavy duty ones to beef it up a bit.

During our week away we had some of the worst rain seen this summer and very high winds. The tent took an absolute battering but didn't budge an inch - whilst it was windy, the pegs stayed firm, and despite having a months worth of rain in one night there was not a single drop that found it's way in. Very impressed!

The fact that we spotted 7 other Montanas on the same campsite has to say something for the quality of this tent. I cannot fault it and would urge people to look at this before buying anything else of a similar size.

It's not cheap when you factor in the cost of the extension, but you really do get what you pay for. The tent is heavy, what with steel poles, but for camping in the UK - they are a must in my opinion. Other tents on the site had snapped fibreglass poles from the winds which I really didn't fancy!

Buy one now!
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By: Anna2377  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2009   Rating: 

I have had this tent for two years and have the front extension for it as well. It is very sturdy and me and my husband can now put up this tent in around 30 minutes. It has got plenty of room and ideal if you have two young children like me. It as stood up to the wind and rain test and doesn't take long to dry out. I would recommend getting the carpet as this make it warmer on the feet. The down sides to the tent are it takes up a lot of room in your vehicle and after you have taken down the tent you will find it difficult getting it back into the bag provided, other than that it is a great family tent.
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By: SpampMan  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2008   Rating: 

A great tent. Felt very stable in the storms we experienced in Scotland. Draught and damp free! The high level vents were successful in keeping us condensation free which we have noticed as a problem in other SIG tents. Plenty of room, too, for 2 families to sit out the rain!

For erection and striking, don't bother with the Outwell instructions. I tried them once and that was why I didn't take the Monty out for a while! Then I saw the Yeoman videos on Youtube. It really is as easy as it looks. Just make sure you get as much air out as possible and roll it tight for putting away.
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By: Libby75  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2010   Rating: 

We upgraded to the Montana 6 after camping with friends that owned one - making us very jealous! It is fantastic for our family of 4, allowing for guests to sleep comfortably in the 'lounge' area should they need too. We have purchased the carpet, which I would recommend. Easy to pitch and plenty of space inside to escape the rain!
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By: Wibbers  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2006   Rating: 

Our Montana 6 was bought secondhand earlier this year and has been used for three trips this summer. We're generally very happy with it. There's plenty of room for the family, and being very tall it's great for me to be able to stretch out in the large sleeping area without being scrunched up as in many of the smaller tents I've been in.

The tent came through a thunderstorm in the French Alps earlier this year with flying colours despite the rain being the heaviest I can remember and lasting most of the night. The porch section is very handy in weather like this to keep the inside of the tent dry and mud-free.

My one gripe about the tent is that the steel poles often twist at the D-shaped joining points, making it difficult to pull the legs and roof section apart again when taking the tent down. Most can be twisted apart with a bit of effort, but on one occasion nothing would budge and we had to load a leg plus roof section into the roof box still attached! Miraculously the next time we took the tent down they came apart with no effort. I understand that later versions of this tent have a better joining system which avoids this twist and lock problem.

The huge number of bits which can be zipped, opened, toggled and closed means the tent can be as open to the elements or as snug and cosy as you need, and also kept the children occupied for most of the time.

All in all, an excellent tent which we look forward to using for many more holidays.
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By: Matherratic  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2010   Rating: 

Used this for the second time this summer, and I can now pitch it single handed after a little practice and watching the YouTube demonstration. Lots of rain during the week meant I found a leak over the front door, on investigation found the seam hadn't been sealed correctly. The repair kit supplied with the tent soon rectified the problem. Still using the porch as the main entry, and like Andallen have found the side door zip under a lot of tension. Fiddled about with the tensioner for the porch and moved the side poles to try to improve it with little success. Still a great tent though, well made and secure in wind.
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Manufacturer's Description

Sleeping six in two Ambassador Bedrooms, the classic Montana 6P tent design is packed with innovation and offers a large living space for relaxing. The steel poles of the Outwell Power Stability System deliver stability, full headroom and steep walls to maximise internal space. Features many windows, Rain Safe side door, extra side door and ample ventilation.

Technical Specifications
Type of tent: Three room tunnel tent
Sleeps people: 6
Flysheet: Outtex® 6000 Pro, 100% polyester
Hydrostatic head: 6000 mm
Pitching way: Flysheet first or as one
Inner tent: Breathable polyester, 100% polyester
Rooms: 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, integrated awning
Floor: Double-coated waterproof polyethylene, 100% polyethylene
Poles: Steel poles 19 mm / Duratec fibreglass 11 mm
Groundsheet: Sewn-in Ground System
Pack size: Flysheet: 93 x 41 x 41 cm, Poles: 74 x 17 x 18 cm
Weight: 36.5 kg
Item number: 111059

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