Tent Reviews: Force Ten Classic Standard Mk 5
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Bedroom inners:
Living area groundsheet:
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4 (more 4 berth tents)
10.10 KG
Fully Sewn-in
Inner first
Average User Rating:9.53/10 from 19 reviews Viewed: 94009 times
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19 Reviews of the Classic Standard Mk 5
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By: Lescargo Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2001 Rating: 
I have a mk5 CNX, great tent, only real problem with CN types is that the flysheet does de-laminate after time and water will run straight through, although reproofing does assist it will not be 100% after., Storm brand waterproofing is recommended by Vango themselves.
I now use the mk5 as a real all weather family tent (minimal kit) 2 adults, 2 toddlers.
I have used F10, in winter snows on Ben Macdui in Cairngorms. Basic design and bombproof for it.
Only 8 out of 10 due the nylon flysheet. I wish I had a cotton one
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By: Ironox Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2006 Rating: 
I purchased a mk 5 Vango force ten 2 months ago. After reading so many good reviews about them I just had to have one, I bought mine second hand and having had little use it was still bright orange. I live in Blackburn and having heard weather reports of wind gusts upto 60mph I put up the tent on the front lawn to convince my partner I had invested wisely.
I read about how they stand up to the wind and rain with ease. My partner and I lay in the force ten with the wind blowing, I closed my eyes and I couldn't hear any flapping or creaking it was like there was no tent there at all. I slept like a log until 3 am and I woke up because the airbed had gone flat. Since this initial trial I have used it several times in all weathers.No leaks at all. I will also be using it in the peak district mid winter, I can't wait for the day when I wake up warm in a snow covered tent with the kids happy and warm too. I have acquired a flysheet and another set of poles and I am having the flysheet converted to use as an extension.
To sum up. I am hooked and would recommend this tent to anyone.
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By: Jofang Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2001 Rating: 
I bought a new force 10 in 1977 when I was doing motorbike rallies every weekend. The tent has been as dry as a bone inside in the foulest of weathers. It's been pitched in most countries in Europe and the eastern cape of South Africa when I emigrated in 1982. I've still got the tent, although the flysheet has lost almost all its orange colour by sun bleaching. I can still erect this tent in 5 minutes and the only faults it has after 33 years use is the brass eyelets on the flysheet working loose and the rubber on the S hooks perished long ago. Cannot recommend this tent enough.
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By: Andy1983 Reason: I've used one Made in: 2001 Rating: 
I've used these tents extensively - using the various different sizes from Mk2 through to Mk5. They look smart when pitched and are rock solid. I don't worry at all about storms when I'm in the Force 10. It gives me the confidence to use it anywhere. It's never let me down.
In short a well sized simple tent that's very strong and simply will not let you down as long as you take care of it! I hope tyo carry on using it for many more years.
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By: Julie Ridley Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2001 Rating: 
I was fortunate to be sleeping in a Force Ten, when an actual force ten gale hit the Anglesey Coast on Thursday 15th July. Most of the tents in the field were flattened (apart from a couple of other Vangos) including our Khyam tent on which the Aircraft Grade aluminium poles actually snapped in half. My 14 yo son actually slept through the whole thing, despite the shouts and noise from the other campers. I think that if it hadn't been for the noise, I would have quite happily slept through it as well. I think this is probably the best testament for these tents.
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By: Chrisinhove Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2001 Rating: 
I've had my F10 MkIV Std since about 1990, bought from Peglers, originally for mountain use but since then has also been used for static and touring camping, and it's faded to that gorgeous tan colour.Only a bent ridge Y piece and bent pegs in all those years.
It is warm, robust, stable, comfortable, easy to pitch (and very quick with practice),feel-good & leak-free.
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By: Lamb10 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2004 Rating: 
Solid, in-destructible, trustworthy, breathable, spacious. Need we say more.
We have 3 tents from the force 10 range. Mk5, Mk3 & M2-lightweight. All are used regularly and are all reliable.
It always reminds us of a limpet stuck to a rock when pitched, be it over the mountain wall, on one of the many islands off the British coast or simply out of the boot of the car.
The force 10 range has looked after me from 13 yrs of age until today at 48.
Yes it's a classic design but why change it when it works so well!
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By: Happybonzo Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2001 Rating: 
I Have had two Force 10 Mk 5 and cannot rate them highly enough. Stupidly, I sold both of them.
My kids used them, their friends used them and sometimes even I was allowed to use them.
I have used them in all conditions from blizzards and minus 25C to belting hot in Morocco.
Pitching them is sooo easy. My only reservation is that the pegs supplied are not good: Replace them with some decent plastic pegs.
I wish that I had bought the extension for mine though. It would have given me that bit of extra space
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By: MatSav Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2001 Rating: 
I have owned three Vango Force 10 Mk 5 Std over the last 30 years. Two of these tents are still in use, and the only reason the first one isn't still in use is because it was stolen!
The classic design of this tent means it stands up to the harshest of conditions, as claimed. Pitching style is normally inner first, but in foul weather, this can be modified to erect the flysheet first and keep the inner dry. It takes a little longer than the claimed 10 minutes to pitch this tent fully, but if you like space, it's worth it. Calling it a 4-man tent is stretching a point somewhat, although I have used this model with six teenagers inside.
It's worth buying the extension for the flysheet, if you can find one second-hand (because Force 10 have stopped making them). This will provide about 5ft x 3ft of extra storage space, for your wet gear - or a kitchen space, sheltered from the elements.
There have been a number of small design changes over the years, so the approximate age of the tent can be determined if you know what you're looking for. For instance, S-hooks between the inner and flysheet in the centre of the roof have been replaced with small fastex style buckles; later models have an extra pegging point at the seam of the rear flysheet; the groundsheet materials are lighter in weight for more recent models, and the inner has only one internal pocket on one side on older models, rather than the present two on each side for the latest incarnation. Older versions have longer swaged ends of poles for insertion into the A-pieces, and tent rubbers between the inner and fly pegging points are bungee-cord on newer models.
Vulnerable points for damage are the apex on the flysheet where eyelets allow the A-piece spike to pass through, and the side-roof guy rope attachment points. The groundsheet anchor points may also fail if too highly stressed - the trick is to pitch this tent 'loosely', and expect a little flapping in the breeze.
I bought my newest Force 10 Mk 5 Std from a work colleague, for substantially less than the RRP. Worth watching online auction sites for a bargain. If the canvas is still bright orange, it's been little used and not yet bleached by the sun. Some models can be found with a green flysheet, somewhat lighter in weight as it's nylon rather than the cotton normally found. If you have a nylon flysheet, you actually have a Force 10 CN, rather than a STD. As rare as hen's teeth are the Mk 5 CNX - cotton inner, nylon flysheet - with a built-in extension. I'd recommend the latter if you intend carrying this tent for any distance. All in all, though, I'd recommend the Force 10 to anyone who needs 4-season camping.
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19 User Reviews of the Classic Standard Mk 5 - Showing 11 to 19 Page:
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Manufacturer's Description
The Force Ten Classics have been used by expeditions, adventurers and youth groups for over 40 years. So brilliant, the design is as recognisable today as it was then. Easy to erect yet tough and durable, they perform exceptionally well in all kinds of weather and provide welcome respite from even the most savage conditions
Flysheet Protex® DWR cotton flysheet Inner Protex® DWR cotton inner Groundsheet Polyester / PVC laminate 15000 groundsheet Capacity 4 person Total weight 10.10 kg Pack size 74 x ø 30 cm Pitching time 10 min
# The Force Ten Classic STD MK 5 features a seam taped groundsheet - water tight seal on all seams. # Alloy 'A' frame design -extremely strong, easy to set up. # Flysheet or inner first pitching - total flexibility depending on conditions. # Flysheet tension adjustment for maximum performance. # The Force Ten Classic STD MK 5 features a large porch - sheltered entry in all conditions. # Mesh panel on inner door additional ventilation. # Inner tent pockets for all your bits and pieces. # Cotton compression stuffsac easy pack and go. # The Force Ten Classic STD MK 5 includes a Repair Kit for that unforeseen tent emergency.
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