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Tent Reviews: Cabanon Biscaya 370

Tent and Awning Reviews Index  >  Cabanon  >  Biscaya 370 Reviews

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5  (more 5 berth tents)
38.00 KG
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Average User Rating:
9.73/10 from 15 reviews

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15 Reviews of the Biscaya 370         Showing 11 to 15          Page:   1   2  

By: Gonnate  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2006   Rating: 

We've just got a 2nd hand 370 - thanks ebay! - and have so far only used it for one week, and we're completely hooked! Love it. We already liked Cabanon tents, this is our 3rd in 20 years. Sold the frame tent on - too big for us; kept the Pyramide 4 for short breaks, but this one is so spacious, and easy to walk round in, without the flappiness and other disadvantages of frame tents. Haven't yet tried its light alloy poles in serious wind, but had plenty of rain & stayed bone dry.

The 'front porch' idea is superb, you can still get plenty of light and air, and stay dry.

It indeed goes up easily with one person, better with 2, though I have yet to manage it in 20 minutes.

We're now approaching 60, and reckon it should keep us camping until we're 70 at least, as long as we can still fit its bulk into our car.
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By: JACOB14  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2006   Rating: 

The Cabanon Biscay 320 tent is an excellent tent. Ideal for the smaller family. Stands up to all weathers. A good tip that will save you time and also wear and tear on the heavy duty ground sheet zip, is to leave it attached when putting away.

This tent is an excellent investment and will last me many years to come.
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By: Jandjstott  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2006   Rating: 

We have a Biscaya 320 as there are only two of us. I can confirm what the other reviewers have said. The Biscaya is a brilliant tent. We previously had a Cabanon frame tent but this is far superior. If there is a better designed and manufactured tent I have yet to see one. The zipped in heavy duty groundsheet is brilliant, we have had some problem with the zip but we always get there in the end. We have been using a silicon spray on the zip which helps.

We have had extreme conditions in it and can confirm that it is the most secure tent we have come across.

The heavy duty canvas is bulky but as one of the other reviewers said it is worth it for the warmth and comfort.

Cabanon are not cheap but as the saying goes 'you get what you pay for'. As we use the tent for approx 11 weeks per year, mostly abroad, we need something of high quality and this delivers in spades. Well done Cabanon.
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By: Mcmanus22  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2007   Rating: 

I can echo the comments about the Biscaya, ours is a2007 440 with the kitchen extension on,its brill. The only thing that we found to be wrong with our model is the electricity

Entry is on the opposite side to the kitchen so the lead has to go around the back of the inner or across the doorway,our dealer Don valley sports reported this back to Cabanon and now the 2008 is on the right side result.
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By: Mary SD  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2007   Rating: 

This is a brilliant 'base/family' sized tent. It has a lovely open and light feel inside. My 6'5'' husband can stand tall in the center of the tent - a real plus for him.
It is extreemly well made and will withstand high wind and torrential rain (have camped in both these conditions and remained dry and warm).
It is a breeze to put up and can be done so by one person although it is easier with two. There are minimal guy ropes as it's design ensures it is safe in the wind. The front fully unzips so that when it is hot (have camped in France with this tent) the tent can be quickly cooled and it also then provides good shade.
The sun canpoy is definatly worth the investment - although in the UK we have mainly used this as a rain canopy! It gives extra space that is well protected from the elements. Down side is it's bulk, but then you don't get this size and quality without bulk. I would rather take away less clothes and be dry and warm.

All in all a brilliant tent that works. It is pricey and heavy but the joy of camping in it at all times of the year has made it a good investment.
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15 User Reviews of the Biscaya 370 - Showing 11 to 15          Page:   1   2  

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Manufacturer's Description

Easy and quick to erect in less than 20 minutes !!

Durable and breathable all season polyester outdoor canvas
Identical pole sections for easy erection
Generous bedroom inner tents
Large, full enclosed, living space
Roll-away front panel
Fixed front sun canopy
Hard-wearing groundsheet securaly zipped to outer canvas
Packed in three bags for easy transportation

... there may be more info on their website

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