Tent Reviews: Outdoor Revolution Ozone 6.0 XT
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Bedroom inners:
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6 (more 6 berth tents)
45.00 KG
Fully Sewn-in
Average User Rating:3.92/10 from 13 reviews Viewed: 47313 times
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13 Reviews of the Ozone 6.0 XT
Showing 11 to 13 Page:
By: A W Savage Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2015 Rating: 
We were away camping last Bank Holiday when we had issues with at least 7 bad leaks from different areas of our brand new first time out OR Ozone 6.0XT. The leaks were so bad in places that we had to have towels and containers to catch and soak up the water.
When we lifted up the bedroom it was wet though underneath.
I was so disappointed when the water started coming after we had spent so much money on this tent. We had a Hi Gear Mojave 5 for 5 years cost a fraction of the price of this tent and never leaked once, it was out in all weather, including thunderstorms.
We were camping about 80 miles from Cross Camping so took it back, Gary at Cross Camping/Inflatable Tents was OK and swapped it for another new one, we have not had chance to check this one out yet for leaks, but I do hope that we don't have the same problems.
As a precaution at the weekend at my cost I started to go around the seams with sealer, did not manage to do all the tent, under estimated how much there was to do.
We are planning to be out with the new tent next bank holiday, part of me is hoping for rain to test this one out, the other part for fine weather. If we don't have any rain then I intend to test it with the hose pipe, as I need to have some confidence in this one.
I agree with the comments about the cons from Chris2000 the doors need some means of closing them off at the bottom, poor design.
We also had an hole each side next to the beam that supports the bedroom, this looked like the sawn in ground sheet has not been attached to the side correctly. This was on the one I took back and this new one, it was also on the demo that Cross camping had up. It looks to me that they have not been finished off properly. Contacted and sent OR pictures they have not come back yet about this.
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By: Newmanbp Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2015 Rating: 
Taken out for its first outing and problems after problems.
First the front beam kept going down found it was leaking from the valve so had to do a emergency repair to be able to carry on with our camping trip. But then it started to rain and it began to leak in one of the windows
But it didn't stop at that, more water was leaking in from various points in the end we had towels and bowls catching the water and had to cut our trip short.Was so disappointed as we was looking forward to pitching a great looking tent, and what looked like one of the best looking tent's on the field turned out to be the worst on it.
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By: Uk_chris2000 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2015 Rating: 
We purchased this tent as we have wanted an inflatable for some time, we were going to purchase a Vango last year but glad we held out. I will just jump straight in with the pro's & con's.
The colour is very light which I feel makes the tent feel less closed in.
The layout, I love the fact you have the enclosed canopy for cooking.
Storm straps are very good idea.
The material is really thick and in my eyes a good quality from other tents we have looked at .
I love the 2 sun roof panels.
It was very windy and it rained, we had no leaks, and it stood sturdy.
Deflates so quick just a touch of a button.
The pump they supply deflates the tent as it has a bar inside the nozzle which presses the deflate button in the valve (unless we were doing it wrong)
The doors don't fully zip which is annoying and it does let in a hell of a draft, especially from the door which leads from the living area to the enclosed canopy.
The tent is quite high I had to put daughter on my shoulders as I couldn't reach the hooks for the sleeping pods.
The front zip out panel could have done with some windows.
We did put it up in the dark and it was very windy, took us a while to get it inflated as the pump kept deflating it but like I said we might of been doing it wrong. For the doors I think I'm goin to stick in some Velcro to fasten them to the body of the tent. It also took a few attempts to put it in the bag, but it got in there eventually. Overall it makes a lovely spacious family tent. We did purchase the canopy but didn't use it this time. When we use it again at Easter hopefully in the daytime it will go up easier. We are also going to invest in an electric pump. I just can't wait to the south of France in august.
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13 User Reviews of the Ozone 6.0 XT - Showing 11 to 13 Page:
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Manufacturer's Description
Described as the beast of the range, the large and spacious Ozone 6.0XT is unequalled for strength and stability. The 150 Denier Double Rip-stop Acrylix fabric with 6000mm Hydrostatic Head is the strongest, most waterproof tent material on the market. Its light colour reflects the suns heat, creating the most comfortable camping experience, unlike dark materials which draw the heat in and create a hot, stuffy environment. The combination of the original Dynamic Speed Valve (DSV) and the exclusive, patent pending, Intelligent Frame (IF) produce the ultimate Airframe which comes with a LIFETIME GUARANTEE*; a guarantee no other manufacturer has the confidence to provide.
The included six person dark microfiber inner tent creates a dark, calm and comfortable sleeping experience; the mesh vents allow the sleeping area to breathe, reducing condensation. An extra double inner tent can be purchased to clip in to the tent . Inclusion of the Vortex Ventlation System helps to combat condensation in the tent, allowing the tent to breathe. The front panel completely zips out to create an inbuilt canopy; a sheltered outdoor area separated from the main tent .
The two extra wide side doors can be zipped back completely or opened with mesh doors zipped in and the inflatable Rain Canopy over the right door gives added protection from driving rain and other elements. The large Tintz Tinted windows allow sunlight in to the awning whilst reducing the glare, creating a light and airy living space to enjoy the surroundings. The zip-in curtains on the windows allow quick and easy privacy from the campsite. Protected with Sun Pro UV, the material will not fade or go brittle, it will maintain its quality for up to three times longer than any alternative manufacturer’s unprotected material. Endurance storm straps provided with the tent give peace of mind on the stability of the tent.
Complete with dual action pump and complimentary footprint groundsheet.
... there may be more info on their website
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