Tent Extension Reviews: Quechua Base Seconds Full
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23 Reviews of the Base Seconds Full
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By: Samcrob Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
Brilliant piece of kit to extend the living area of our 4.2 (see pic)! Easy to pitch and put away after watching the youtube video a couple of times, could even manage it on my own.
We also used our 4 berth pop-up on one of the sides which again increased space even more.
Definitely recommend A++++++++++
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By: Andy2244 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
Managed to buy it at it's knocked down price a few months ago,It was to go with the 3 sec air we have to give us more room and to get rid of the problem of opening the 3 sec door if raining.
I've only used it once to weekend camp last month, and I got the inner tent reduced also so used it to try it all out.
Single air bed along one side and some other bits and bobs around the two short sides left, this gave me room to use one door without any probs. Big bonus was been able to stand and get dressed and move around.
All though it comes with a loose groundsheet, I used a cut down piece of tarp to put the inner on. (been to site before and new the ground was rough, off-roading site, not proper campsite).
The wind got up some but the tent just blew about a bit, then got stronger and then one corner blew in but didn't do anything else, It does seam to lack guy ropes higher up to stop the corners blowing inwards.
Don't think I did anything wrong putting it up, maybe that's why they seam to be not selling them now.
Anyway like the tent cant wait to try it with the 3 sec air.
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By: Vape_uk Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
We just bought this yesterday - as it was on sale in Decathlon Surrey Quays for only £64.95 - to use with the 2 seconds XLIII (also on sale at £44.95) - as a 'living/hiding from the rain' area at Glastonbury. (I had actually gone there with the intention of buying the new Base Seconds 4.1 but this seemed a much more versatile and no less spacious - not to mention much cheaper - option)
Obviously haven't used it properly yet but put it up in the garden to try out and am very impressed with how easy it is. Neither of us had any experience of pop up tents prior to this morning and did not expect it to go so smoothly. We watched the video on the website a couple of times and it really is as easy as it looks - I even managed to get it all folded up and in the bag first time round without any help from my giant of a husband! (so the bag's a little fatter than it was before but hey no-one's perfect and I'm sure it will get better with practise).
We like the fact that it comes with a removable groundsheet which easily folds in half and velcros onto itself so you can have half covered and half not if you like without it moving about (jolly useful given the high chances of us ending up with disgustingly muddy shoes/clothing).
Am definitely looking forward to not having to battle for half an hour with a tent after the long trek from the carpark and if it keeps the weather out as well as everyone else says it does it will be more than worth the money!
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By: Valcopley Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
This was on sale so bought to join with 2 sec III. Fantastic. Stood up to very heavy storm in Peaks though one corner blew in, it pushed out without any damage. Because it is flexible there is little chance of poles snapping. Watch the video to put down, it can be done with one person. I am so impressed that have bought another base with bedroom so we can have big/small trips with friends tents.
Note the pegs are useless, buy the aluminium hex pegs from Decathlon or search the net (clamcleats).
The full version comes with groundsheet but the basic version doesn't. The tension webbing on the ground gets very soggy so I have bought lightweight groundsheets to put under (www.Teamio.Co.Uk), which gives extra protection.
Don't guy the canopy across the top of your pull up tent it will wear the top
There is an extra bit of nylon under the small canopies which unfolds but there doesn't seem to be any rational use for this. Even Decathlon Manager didn't know. Does anyone know before I chop it off?
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By: Philpix Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
We bought one to attach to an old 3 Seconds light tent which worked well. Keeps dry even in the most that the Lake District can throw at you. We have now bought a second Base Full and the inner bedroom. This is a great combination as the two Base tents can be joined together. One for sleeping and the other for eating. Very quick to pitch and fold away. Great kit.
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By: BelHelen Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2008 Rating: 
We have just got back from 6 days in the Lakes and we are really impressed with the Quechua range of tents. We have a Seconds Base 4.2 which we added the Seconds Base Full onto to extend the living area. We also have a 2 second air that we tucked under one of the canopies and opened up the other canopy which provided a dry area to store walking boots.
This all provided an amazing amount of space to sleep 2 adults, 2 boys and a dog and plenty of room to hole up whilst waiting for the wind and rain to take a break!
Everything stood up well against the wind, although we did find that the wind got under the canopy and it bounced up and down on the roof of the 2 second air making us feel like we were camped under a washing line full of sheets in a gale! I suspect this has more to do with how and where we pitched though :)
We didn't bother closing the door to the 2 second air because the canopy stopped any rain getting in. Once the sun arrived the temperatures were up to 26 degrees and yet it was still a pleasant temperature inside all 3 tents.
No leaks, no condensation, loads of mud which has been easily washed off in the back garden because the ground sheets aren't fixed!
All in all, we are really pleased with these tents and have already planned 2 weeks at 7 different sites in France for August! With so much flexibility we've got everything we need whether it be a 1 night stop at Versailles or 5 nights on the south coast!
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By: Canopus Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2008 Rating: 
This summer I was camping with a friend in my normal Halfords Family size tent, perfectly adequate for two to four sharing, but, needs two to put it up and takes time. On the last couple of days two mums and their kids turned up with a Quechua tent set up. I was entranced and impressed by the speed of the set up, the modular nature and the slightly funky look to it all. I had to have one.
Returning home I did a search and found the suppliers. The only problem with these tents is that the manufacturers are in France and only one shop with not many outlets supply them in the UK and as yet do not do on-line purchases. The nearest outlet to me in South Wales was Merry Hill in the Midlands. It had to be done.
Waiting for a break in the weather I tried it out in the Black Mountains. The Full base tent went up in a few seconds and a few minutes later was pegged down, opened up and Velcroed ground-sheet added. The 3 Seconds Air tent took even less time and was pegged down butted up to the base tent within a minute.
The Quechua 3 Seconds Air tent I chose due to it sleeping three which meant it was ample for two on a double air mattress with lots of room for bags etc. And luxury for one. It also has the advantage of having two large, circular side flaps that can be opened and closed from inside with draw-cords allowing for extra ventilation yet when buckled up will resist driving rain and winds.
The Seconds Base Full has two adjacent access doors opposite of with are two doors to access tents butted up to the Seconds Base Full. Part of the Second Base Full opens up to form a hood that covers the sleeping tent affording dry access. The two main access doors are designed so that another Base tent can be twinned with it so creating a bigger living area.
The top inside half of each door can be unzipped to reveal mesh windows giving a variety of ventilation options although perhaps a little high to look out of if you are sitting on anything other than a high stool. Porch flaps above the two doors, although not that large, allow you to sit in the entrance when it rains without rain coming in unless there is a strong wind blowing it in and then you could try the other door.
Heavy rain and strong wind broke out on the last night of my stay. The Quechua Seconds Base and my sleeping tent proved completely water proof. There was not even the slightest trace of condensation in them. I was a bit worried when the wind picked up, but,the base tent was surprisingly aerodynamic and withstood it well. Quechua say that it can withstand very strong winds with all four doors open and there are also extra guy ropes supplied if you wish to secure it further although up to now I'm not entirely clear as to where they should be attached.
This was only the second time I'd packed these tents away, the first time was to see how they worked and it took me ages with nothing fitting correctly. This time it clicked and they folded away easily with both fitting into their respective bags. However, it was wet when I was packing away and although most of the rain drops etc. Could be shaken off they were still slightly damp when put away. Unlike a normal tent which you can drape over a close line to dry Quechua tents open up so you can't hang them on a line to dry and are too big to open up in my garage. I'm still waiting for a dry day to open them up on my drive.
All in all this is the best bit of camping equipment I've ever invested in its versatility being a very strong point. Not only is it excellent when used in conjunction with Two Seconds sleeping tents while camping or touring, but, it can be thrown in the car by itself for day out excursions
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By: H 55 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2008 Rating: 
Excellent piece of kit! Hugely impressed with the whole quechua range. Easy to put up and down (5 mins each) but is definitely worth a practice and look at the video (which can easily be downloaded to your mobile or ipod for a quick on site refresher). We use it in combination with a 2 seconds III which gives us plenty of space for 2 adults even considering I don't pack light and my husband is 6ft4! Perfect for short breaks. Withstands all weathers. Future proof piece of kit since additional base/tents can be bought and linked up.
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By: Natsandjasper Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2008 Rating: 
Wow - I love this tent!
I used it for the first time last weekend (8th August 08) in the torrential rain and cannot fault it on any point! I combined it with a 2-seconds-III and the set-up suits me and the dog perfectly!
I wanted the flexibility to camp alone and needed a tent I could easily pitch by myself, along with the space to sit/stand comfortably. I was also attracted by the way that you can add extra base modules and additional 2-seconds tents to increase the space for extra people.
We had almost 24 hours of persistent heavy rain and both the base and 2-seconds performed admirably. Quechua say that they use 2000HH material and also shower test their tents, in my opinion this is perfectly adequate for the Great British Summer and I am fairly confident that it will perform well across spring/autumn as well (I will keep you updated!).
We also had fairly strong winds overnight and I was a little concerned about the canopies being stable enough - but I needn't have worried as both modules stayed perfectly pitched!
Moving from the Base to the 2-seconds is very easy and the large canopy ensures you stay dry - you do have to negotiate 3 zips, but as I kept the 2-seconds-III for sleeping only, this wasn't a problem. The smaller canopies over the access doors ensure that the rain is kept off the door, and consequently off the groundsheet, very handy!
The Base Full is pretty easy to pack away once you have got 'the knack'. The instructions on the pack are easy to follow and after a little practice in the garden I soon had it nailed.
All in all I think this is an ingenious bit of kit. Well designed, well made and well worth £129!
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By: Songbird5314 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2008 Rating: 
We bought this, along with 2 x 2 seconds xl tents for quick weekend pitching. I thought the base was fantastic. There was room for 2 adults, 2 children and a small dog. There was room for our table to eat on (folded up and stored in the car afterwards) and then when the table was packed away there was enough room for the kids to play some games. We had severe weather. Heavy rain/thunderstorms and there were no problems. No condensation in the mornings. I loved it just wish we could use it for our longer trips, but more space would be required. We also found it easy to move between the base and the tents, although there were 3 zips in total between the base and the tent, so thats 6 zips to open if you need to get from one tent to another in the middle of the night. We practised putting it up/down before we left (and downloaded the video onto the mobile!) but found it quite easy.
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23 User Reviews of the Base Seconds Full - Showing 11 to 20 Page:
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Manufacturer's Description
Pod design starting with a central living area pod. Then add on extra pods and attach sleeping inners. Possibility of 4 pods off central area.
Designed for 4 backpacking hikers who need a quick set-up living area offering shelter from the weather and enabling direct access to up to 4 '2 Seconds' tents.
2 of the 4 doors are for access, or for an "open" side, or for twinning with another Seconds Base. The other 2 are for access to a 2 Seconds tent. These access doors are protected from the rain by a hood that can cover the front of the 2 Seconds tent (whether it's an Air, XL or 1-, 2- or 3-man model).
Don't confuse with the standard Seconds Base, which is just a living area, and won't attach to your tents.
... there may be more info on their website
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