Tent Reviews: Vango Omega 350
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5.10 KG
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Average User Rating:8.47/10 from 38 reviews Viewed: 147028 times
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38 Reviews of the Omega 350
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By: Tisfortom Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2010 Rating: 
I own several tents which I use for various trips. Ive had my Vango 2 years now. I really like this tent and have been all over the uk in it. I have used it in gale force winds and thunderstorms. I have been using this as a 2 man tent which then leaves lots of room to stow gear inside the tent. I do not use the supplied porch groundsheet as it picks up lots of mud.Not good when trying to store quick, so I use a separate smaller one in the porch. The porch is spacious and big enough to set up small camping stoves to cook in adverse weather. I have made one alteration to it. I added extra tent peg hoops along the porch diagonals which use to slap and flap in heavy winds. The inside of the flysheet can get a little damp if the inner air vent is left zipped in wet weather. The other thing you need do when it rains it tap the tent above the door to shake off excess water as it will drip in when you unzip the door. The tent is not perfect but is well built for what it costs and weighs.
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By: Hankakampa Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2012 Rating: 
Depending on where your going to be using this tent id rate it 6 or 10 out of 10.
But my Kampa Minnis 4 is still better!
Anywhere windy together with wet/cold and id rate it 6 out of 10 because the wind and rain gets into the living area because this tent doesn't have a sewn/sealed/zip-in ground sheet. Its almost impossible in windy and cold weather to stay warm in this tent as the wind blows in under the tents fly sheet and takes out any warmth from a heater.
The wind also lifts up the flap of material covering the door zip, rain then lashes down on the zip and works its way through into the living area soaking every thing inside the door area.
If its calm weather though its fine though - so why have a living area as in nice weather your going to be outside anyways!
The Kampa Minnis 4 solves all this by having a fully sealed in ground sheet - with a heater in there in wet and windy and cold weather you stay warm and dry - and they are cheaper too and almost the same size.
Ill be selling the omega 350 next spring.
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By: Dbice Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2012 Rating: 
Just got back from a couple of days/nights on the isle of skye with a brand new omega 350 (2012 model).
Tent is packed in a great little bag with poles, pegs, front area bathtub detachable groundsheet and is light.
Put up quickly and was very impressed to see that it came with Clam Cleat Loks on all the guy lines ready attached - never knew that tent makers were putting these on as standard - and they came in very useful!
On our 2nd night we were told a storm was approaching and would hit around 4am.
And it did! woke me up!. Tent was flapping about wildly but stood up to the gale force winds and lashing rain quite well.
Except that the tent was being battered by winds and rain side on and the wind was lifting the flap which covered one of the door zippers. The driving rain was then getting in through the zipper, spreading itself between the inside of the door and the fly screen and then dripping onto the ground sheet over a large area inside the tent.
The problem is that the flap cannot be secured down. There are only velcro strips on the vertical part of the zipper but not along the part that runs horizontally near the roof of the tent.
I might see about an alternative way of holding this flap down with press studs or something because otherwise the tent was very waterproof in the driving rain.
It was draughty too as the ventilation flaps on either end cannot be closed as the guy lines are atached to them and as soon as the guy lines are tensioned ( for windy conditions! ) the flaps are pulled up and open.
The detachable bathtub style ground sheet in the living area doesn't really keep strong winds out and we found on the stormy night that it was very draughty in there.
Finally the clips that hold the clip in ground sheet in place are very difficult to unclip to remove the groundsheet.
I like this tent and it would be ideal in calm conditions with perhaps heavy rain OR strong winds - but not both.
I much prefer my Kampa Minnis with a sealed in tub groundsheet even though it is much heavier at 12kg, it feels sturdier and more comfortable inside.
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By: Barnsleybill Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2012 Rating: 
I bought this tent to replace a much loved three man dome tent that at 15 years old owed me nothing but was proving too small to take my little boy away for weekends.
I paid a premium and bought a bright orange' volcano' tent at £180. I know they can be had for £130 but my logic being that my little boy could find it easier in the sea of green and blue tents that proliferate campsites these days.
Having had practice putting the Vango Beta's up at a recent scout camp I had no bother at all getting this tent up in 15 minutes.
Loads of room inside and the bath tub porch sheet is a bonus as I'd seem the scouts Vango Beta's (2011 Models) submerge under mud and necessitate their tents being mopped out after one night.
I swapped the standard light alloy bent wire pegs for Y section alloy pegs which seem a good investment with none bending or twisting to release guy lines in windy conditions.
Another tip would be to obtain a footprint as the flysheet is very light. I'm not aware of Vango producing a specific one for this tent, but the Vango Velocity 300 is exactly the same shape and size of this tent and I obtained one off Ebay for £15 - bargain!
Note - I have only scored it at an 8 because we didn't experience any extremely bad weather which one needs to get a tents true worth. I can see what everyone means about the doors being an issue but I have seen this problem on other side entry tunnel tents.
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By: Chimpy Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2012 Rating: 
Promised that I'd update my review after using the tent, so here it is. Just back from a weekend camping at RAF Finmere for a paintball event with absolutely horrendous weather - I can't recall the like since the storm of 1987 - 70mph gusts and driving rain. The campsite was decimated with tents collapsing, being flooded, blown upside down - you name it.
Thankfully the Omega 350 was superb. Easy to pitch even in the very blustery (30-40mph) conditions at the time and being set end-on to the prevailing wind it took everything thrown at it without any problems. Not a single leak inside and the split design was a god-send, allowing you to get inside and strip off waterproofs and wellies in the porch area, then clamber into the lovely dry sleeping area.
I'd made a tarp footprint for the tent and when taking the tent down was able to strip out the bone dry inner tent before having to collapse the fly sheet - made life a lot easier when drying the fly in the garage at home.
Other points - the bright orange guylines were superb, a small thing but I lost count of the times people tripped over the dark coloured lines on other tents - but these stand out brilliantly. They also come fitted with line-locks as standard, which I hadn't realised - makes adjusting the lines so simple and secure.
I've been racking my brains to think of a single downside to the tent and the only improvement I'd like to see for the 2013 model is some way of closing/adjusting the air vent into the sleeping compartment. It's well shielded from the elements but in the gale force winds we experienced it was slightly breezier than ideal.
A really excellent tent, can't recommend it more highly.
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By: Chimpy Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2012 Rating: 
Have just received my 2012 (manufacture date on label shown as August 2011, but is the 2012 model) Omega 350 and carried out my first test pitching in the back garden. Initial impressions are good - despite being a very inexperienced camper I had no trouble following the pitching instructions and took about 30mins to get it set up.
Tip #1: It mentions that the pole sleeves are colour coded to match the poles - they are, but it isn't immediately obvious. Each pole sleeve has a (very) small coloured swatch sewn at the opening, rather than the entire sleeve being coloured - however it's probably easier to just remember than the long pole goes in the middle! :)
I left the inner tent attached when taking it down to speed up pitching in future and everything fitted into the supplied stuff sack with only minimal cursing the pushing.
Sleeping pod is a good size, plenty of room for two plus bags and I don't think three adults would be as cramped as in some 3-man tents. Length seems fine too, I'm 5ft10 and have plenty of space.
The porch groundsheet is a tub-style (I think earlier models had a flat sheet) and fits in easily, once you've worked out which way round it goes.
Quality seems good too. Giving it a 9/10 based on very limited use so far, will be back to re-review once I've had it out in the rain and wind!
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By: Icecubeinhell Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2011 Rating: 
I've just had my first trip away in my Omega 350 more then happy with it, I had 35mph winds when I was away and it stood there and took it without a flinch, I did have slight condensation on the fly sheet one morning but the temp had gone down to -4c in the night so its to be expected.
Its a good size tent and you could sleep 3 but I think it would be better for 2 unless you are all really friendly.
Easy enough to pitch, I managed to pitch it by myself when it was a bit gusty so no problems there.
All in all a good all round tent.
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By: Tyke-ess Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2011 Rating: 
Great Tent, easy to put up & take down, clip in ground sheet in porch is a bit flimsy, not sure how it will stand up to less grassy pitches. Tension straps are great both inside and out. Small windows in front allow light into porch area. Fly mesh on one door also a nice & useful feature keeps those pesky midges out!
As previous reviewers have stated, plenty of room for 2 adults plus gear in both the sleeping inner & porch area (including crash helmets, bike leathers & boots). Storage in the Inner Tent is good (4 mesh pockets on each side) and stow-pocket is useful for the inner door when fully unzipped. There is plenty of room to sit upright in both inner and porch.
We have just got back from our 1st weekend in this tent and it almost got full marks. The problem with the water ingress when you unzip the door lets it down! We gave the tent a 'shake' before unzipping to get rid of most of the water. You'd expect better from Vango, but that appears to be the only fault we could give it.
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By: Mark James Reason: Other Made in: 2011 Rating: 
If you are thinking of buying a Vango 350, seriously consider the slightly larger 450 (which I have). For less than a kilo extra weight there is more width and height - especially if you are tall (6' plus). I was all for the 350 but looking at the specs on Vango's website persuaded me to go for the larger size. This is for 2 adults and a small dog. Comfortable and well worth an extra £50 - have seen this at around £176 in 2011.
Just a thought but it's better to have more space than not enough?
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By: Sophiefp Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2011 Rating: 
Thanks to all the handy reviews here I bought the 2011 model, which is improved with an up-turned and peggable porch groundsheet, a perhaps enhanced gutter over the doors (though still heavy rain would be an issue), with velcro on it to stop the zip getting exposed.
My small daughter and I put this up and took it down easily without needing to refer to the instructions. You can pack it away all as one to speed putting it up.
It is ultra stable in high winds and we had no worries about leaks or condensation.
It feels very spacious and airy for 2, and you could get away with 3 adults better than in most 3 man lightweight tents. In the evenings I hung out in the porch area while my daughter slept and although a little draughty it wasn't bad. Although you can't stand upright, you can stand bent over to pull trousers on or sit in a chair.
The orange sleeping area makes it feel light and positive even when it's raining, which is very cheering.
I probably would have bought a footprint groundsheet if there'd been one, but it didn't need it on campsite patchy grass and weeds, and you wouldn't want the extra weight if hiking.
We paired it up with a lovely polycotton Robens Tarp for outside cooking and eating, but you could just about cook inside perhaps - bit risky!
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38 User Reviews of the Omega 350 - Showing 11 to 20 Page:
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Manufacturer's Description
The Vango Omega Tents are very similar in layout and style to the Vango Beta tents however, they feature two significant differences; they have alloy poles which significantly reduces the weight of the tent and they feature the new 'speed-pitch' system to allows for 'all-in-one' pitching (the Dodgers are interested). These tunnel tents are perfect for 2-season camping and feature a living/porch area large enough to use as living space, bike or gear storage and two entrances. The Vango Omega 350 a 3-berth version of the tent which features a breathable polyester inner, bathtub inner groundsheet and permanent living area/porch groundsheet. The flysheet is made from Protex 2000, a polyester fabric with 2000mm hydrostatic head with fully taped seams and continuous external pole sleeves. Within the flysheet are air vents and 'crystal clear' windows with internal covers for privacy. The poles are Powerlite 7001-T6 alloy providing precision and strength with flexibility and corrosion resistance. Comes complete with zip entry handled carry bag.
... there may be more info on their website
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