Tent Reviews: Quechua Base Seconds 4.1
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4 (more 4 berth tents)
14.00 KG
Pop up
Average User Rating:8.89/10 from 18 reviews Viewed: 83719 times
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18 Reviews of the Base Seconds 4.1
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By: BobCat10 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2011 Rating: 
Took the plunge and bought the 4.1 this weekend.
Plenty of height (I do hate crouching down to get dressed)
Lots of space, well ventilated in the roof, canopies to help shade the tent on balmy days, and keep the rain off when bouncing down. LOVE the idea of the detachable ground sheet.
Pleasantly surprised that THERE IS is a sealable DOOR between the sleeping area and the living area, by way of an inner tent door. None of the images clearly show the inner tent, which is snug and is sufficient for our needs. You need to read the 'mini' print in the additional information.
Also you cannot clearly see the ventillation in the images. Glad I didn't buy on line, and went to have a look at it erected in store, and saw that there are three ventillation points in the sleep area, cleverly concealed.
So much more space in the bedroom area than I anticipated. There is ample space for a double air bed and clothing etc.
Not brilliant, a bit flimsy, suggest replacing these with the more robust Vango chord (fluorescent, so no tripping)
Again they are not very robust, no good on rocky ground, as we found out last year in the Alps.
So I would advise anyone to replace them with the Vango storm pegs, the ones with the fluorescent tops are good, and they'll go through anything.
I know this is a minor element, but the 4.1 colours do match the base seconds full we bought in 2009. Cream/ Beige/ brown. The ground sheet is a different colour, but that's no big deal.
Looking forward to trying this out.
Great news too for those who admire the BASE SECONDS, tents, and there are many.Quechua re supposed to be relaunching the BASE SECONDS FULL in mid March (according to the staff @ decathalon, Sheffield. Who by the way are very helpful)
I would have given a 10 out of 10, but feel the design could be improved by having optional doors to each side. The 4.1 has only one door, so we only have one pitching option with the Base Seconds Full.
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By: BobCat10 Reason: Other Made in: 2009 Rating: 
We have a seconds base full, I would like to know if anyone out there has used the seconds base in combination with the 4.1 with success and would recommend it.
Last year we used a 3 person 'pop up' with the base and it was great BUT the idea of 2 large living areas and a sealed sleeping area attached really appeals.
Well noone responded, so I decided to go for it. Hubby will be pleaseed that the colours match and that we do not look like itinerants on camping trips. All we need now is the opportunity to go and try them out.
The Seconds Base Full and the 4.1 will be a winning combination. And the Outwell wind break (Mocha), looks like it could come in useful.
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By: Valentinesbabe Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2010 Rating: 
Excellent tent for weekends away when you can't be bothered to go through the hassle of pitching a full pole tent. I also own a Coleman Trispace which I love but begrudge the time spent pitching and taking down for anything less than 4days.
The 4.1 living area provides ample space for sitting in and cooking if it's raining which surprised me, and the bedspace accommodates a double airbed with plenty of space each side for storing bags, clothes, shoes etc.
I've used the tent in high winds and torrential rain and thus far it has risen to the challenge with aplomb. I have bent a few of the tent pegs but this is more due to the fact that I've hit rocks in the ground (I camp in the Peak district)rather than any flaw in the pegs themselves. I love the fact that even in bad weather you can have this tent up and pretty weatherproof in a matter of moments, (something that I can't do with my Coleman) and this is a real boon in light of England's unreliable weather.
All in all this tent is superb.
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By: Got the tshirt Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2010 Rating: 
I love it, I have never had a tent so easy to pitch, we kept the bedroom closed during the day so no bugs in the bedroom, a few in the living area but hey thats camping for you.
Plenty of room for 1 adult, 1 teen and a child, we added our Vango porch to give us a bit more room. The tent pegged out really well, we had wind and rain and no problems. Was impressed with the quality of the stitching, guyropes and especially the groundsheet, we had to pitch on quite boggy ground but it didn't even feel damp under foot.
I would seriously recommend this tent especially for Mums who want to get away with their kids.
If you can ask the staff at Decathlon to show you how to get it back in the bag and then practise before you go away, it's tricky but perfectly manageable.
Can't wait for my next trip, oh it's tomorrow!
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By: Newbonic Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2010 Rating: 
I second remarks re the possibility of insects getting into the living area via the gap around the groundsheet (which sort of makes the mosquito netting a tad redundant!). That's the bad stuff out of the way.
On the other hand it was v easy to put up, and due to a mate having one in our group already, it was quick and easy to put away - much less hassle than our Outwell tunnel tent.
It was easily big enough for our family of 3, although we also had a base seconds pod attached to store our gear out of the weather, which combo made it a biggish family tent.
Word of warning though - these aren't 4 season tents - peg them out well if it's going to be windy: And the pegs that come with it are thin steel wire that bend too easily, so budget for a set of tougher pegs to be on the safe side.
So I'll give them 7/10 - it's a good idea but still needs a little work.
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By: Jayney14 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2010 Rating: 
I loved this tent, it was fab and ideal for us and our two year olds first camping trip! It was so easy to pitch, especially with a little one running round! I didn't find that the ground sheet not being attached too bad and didn't experience any insects getting into our tent. The bed area had ample room for us, but I would put the head of the bed nearest the door as the pitch slopes down fairly low at the back of the tent. We loved it and found no problems with it at all really, ;)
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By: Leiccamp Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2010 Rating: 
Bought this tent recently having viewed it a few times in Decathlon. Cost us £139.99.
Takes 2 minutes to set up once you get going and about 5mins to pack away although as with all pop-up tents it is definitely worth practising before you go on holiday. We had to watch the web video.
The groundsheet is not attached but has nifty little velcro clasps that roll up the inside of the tent by a few inches. There is however gaps left open for insects to crawl into your tent.
Found the space inside both the living areas and sleeping areas ample for us as a couple. Not sure if it could fit 4 people into the sleeping area as advertised. 1 night we slept in it there was torrential rain so we can also vouch for its waterproofing. I like the little mini-shelters at both sides of the tent which I used to cook my food under when it was raining.
Really like this tent and pleased that we have bought it.
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By: Drnh Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2010 Rating: 
Having just returned from a week camping in our new tent I thought I'd share a few thoughts.
I waited for a while for this tent to come out and overall I'm very glad I did.
Pitching the tent is a doddle. Peg the groundsheet in place first, pop up the tent and just peg it down. Taking it down is actually easier than our other 3 person Quechua tent.
The space inside the tent is fantastic. The living area is perfect with lots of space for a small table and a couple of chairs.
If you have an inflatable mattress I would say this tent is ideal for 2 adults, definitely not 4 adults as its designed for.
The only problems I've noticed with this tent are as follows:
1) The slope of the tent in the sleeping area is quite steep and makes the area for your feet feel very cramped.
2) I think quite a major problem here. The inner tent isn't sealed off from the living area. Also the ground sheet is held up with sections of Velcro. Both leave gaps for insects to enter the living area which is really annoying. Flies were crawling up over the sleeping area and entering into the living area. Its a design fault as far as I'm concerned and have written to Quechua about it. There should be some sort of mesh to seal the gap between the inner and outer tent and the ground sheet needs some form of seal be it a zip or full length velcro the fully prevent insects entering.
Otherwise the tent is excellent and I would recommend it.
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18 User Reviews of the Base Seconds 4.1 - Showing 11 to 18 Page:
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Manufacturer's Description
Designed for 4 people looking for a FAMILY HIKING TENT with a large room that can be pitched very quickly.
There is enough space (5.7 sq m) for 4 or even 6 people to sit comfortably around a table. The entrance door is protected by a large peak that increases the living space. The large side mosquito net windows, protected by peaks, can be left open even when it's raining. The "rising" groundsheet protects the living area from trickling water.
Pitched in 2 minutes. Folds away in under 5 minutes once you get the hang of it.
... there may be more info on their website
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