Tent Reviews: Hi Gear Sahara 6
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Fully Sewn-in
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Average User Rating:8.85/10 from 39 reviews Viewed: 140659 times
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39 Reviews of the Sahara 6
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By: OU812 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
I have just returned from my 6th camping trip with my Sahara6 - the 3rd with my awning.
I bought this last year from Go Outdoors at £200 and bought the awning this year for £80.
I also have the carpet (actually the gelert beyond zenith6 carpet - as its the same tent rebadged and I couldn't get the higear carpet)
The awning makes a big tent massive - but very very comfortable.
With the awning I can have my fridge, larder unit, cooker and washstand on one side, and a table and two chairs on the other - all under cover and out of the weather.
The tent has stood up well to the worst weather wales could throw at it - it wasnt bothered at all by gale force winds (see reviews on here of Caerfai bay) that had other tents in trouble. The only thing to watch for is that the awning billows inwards like a sail under side winds - so you do need to pitch the right way round. (That said it hasnt caused any damage except for a slight tear where it rubbed all night against a sharp edge on my cooker stand - easily fixed with a patch from the repair kit provided with the tent)
It takes a while to pitch - about 45 mins with two adults to get the tent and awning up - although it took three people in strong winds.
After 6 trips it has stood up well - with the only damage being the rip in the awning as above, one elasticated toggle coming off a sleeping pod, and a cracked pole above the doorway due to high winds. The pole has been 'fixed' with some gaffer tape as has worked fine for the last 2 trips!
Its got two tiny leaks on a couple of the joins where the sealing tape hasnt been applied right - I'll be fixing them with seam sealer, they don't drip - just weep ever so slightly under a whole day and night of torrential rain.
I'm not sure I'd buy the new version of the tent as I like the sewn in groundsheet all the way into the porch especially as I have the awning. I might be tempted to buy it badged as the gelert going by zenith 6 and pay a little more.
I love this tent - and wouldn't change it for the more expensive outwells and such, its a great value and very large comfortable unit.
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By: Chris/Lynn Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
This is the 2009 pale blue model. It is cavernous, with a cathedral like living space which is 12 feet across. We took it to Snowdonia last year where the weather was foul for the first few days. On arrival, we saw people dumping much more expensive, steel poled tents into the bin and driving off, having been wrecked by the wind and rain. The Sahara weathered all of this effortlessly. It bent and it shook, but it never leaked a drop and it never broke a single pole or loosened a guy line.
It is an effort to put up, and it's not a tent which you can erect in 20 minutes. It's also extremely heavy, at 37KG! In terms of living space, stability and weatherproofing, it is supreme. Regularly on offer at Go Outdoors for around £200 it is a bargain. Be warned that some sites will not allow pitching of such a beast - it has a 25x23 feet footprint!
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By: MrsGlas Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2010 Rating: 
This is our first tent and we used it for the first time this week. I absolutely love this tent! Wouldn't be able to put it up on my own as someone has to go inside to lift the 3 main poles up but thats why its a family tent; you don't use it on your own.
It is huge. Everyone was commenting on it, but we bought it for the space, as other tents we have camped in have been tiny and claustrophobic.
As others have said, there are lots of gimmicky bits that go with it that are very handy and add to its appeal.
I definitely recommend this tent
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By: MackeralJack Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2010 Rating: 
We bought this tent, as our friends have last years model, and we saw what a good tent it was. The difference from last years model is the ground sheet for the porch area isn't sewn in, but that keeps the rest of the tent a lot cleaner if it rains, as you can leave muddy boots etc in this bit. We found this tent easy to put up but we did have help from our friend that has one! The instructions are hardly anything! It took just over half an hour to get up. The tent is spacious inside. The sleeping areas are really roomy. The tent comes with lots of handy storage areas. The cupholders go up between the 3 sleeping areas. There are lots of windows, so the tent is nice and light. We had ok weather so can't comment on how it holds up in bad rain, strong wind. But overall we are very happy and the tent went back easily into the two bags provided.
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By: Happycamper32 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
We bought this tent after looking at it in the shop a few times and a lot of research on the internet. We went away for the weekend on a trial run as it was far to big to put up in our garden, we opened all the tent out of the bag etc and found absolutely no instructions :(. We are seasoned campers and have put a few different sorts of tents up and I managed to work it out, even without the instructions, it took us about an hour to get it up which for a first attempt was really good, I'm hoping it will be a lot quicker next time, as we'll know what we're doing. We did buy the footprint and I'm really glad we did as it provides a template to erect the tent on. We also bought the carpet but it kept moving all over, I'm considering some double sided velcro strip to keep it in place next time. Out weather was glorious so I can't comment on how well it stands in a gale or a downpour, but I'm confident that it will do well.
The only question that I have is, as we had no instructions we can't work out where the cup holders go. We saw it up in the shop and saw all the pockets etc so we knew where they went, but we had no idea where to put the cup holders, so if someone could let me know, I would be grateful :)
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By: Tigerfeet2006 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2010 Rating: 
NB - The Sahara 6 was replaced in 2010 by a newer model. We have not used this model but have viewed it in Go Outdoors and we are HUGELY disappointed.
The newer model has a smaller fitted groundsheet, tatty looking fabric and a serious lack of vents.
This is not the same tent we bought or reviewed above. After a couple of long inspections it seriously appears that rather than improving the previous version they have actually gone backwards.
PLEASE be aware that our review was for the 2009 model only and that while a lot of it may still be true you can't take it for granted and you will need to inspect it in the shop yourself.
We would not have bought this version of the Sahara 6 as there are better tents in the same price range whereas we could not have said that last year.
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By: Morrigan72 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
Like most reviewers, we bought ours from Go for around £200. We're a family of 7, our children range from 18 to 7, our eldest will probably have to start bringing one of our smaller tents for himself, (we also have two Ion 3's and an Electron, all Hi Gear) as our youngest gets bigger, we won't all fit. Our dog always camps with us too.
The best thing about this tent is the huge living space, we've used this tent twice so far, once at Ravenglass, Cumbria and last weekend we went to Fort William.
We can fit two fold out picnic tables with seats and two folding canvas chairs with plenty room to spare.
The extra storage pockets are very useful, though the cupholders were a little pointless, and to be honest, we don't even use them. Definitely need good lighting in this large tent in the evening.
Putting up the tent took 3 of us around 30 minutes, not rushing it.
Guylines are high visibility, but there are lots of them, although fair to say we haven't had this tent up in a gale yet (we have with the others).
Annoying not being able to open the windows from the inside, but that's fairly minor. Full ventilation in the roof would be nice in good weather, the central flap only opens to reveal a window in the roof, no opening.
I'd like windows in the rooms, but that's probably just because I like to see the outdoors.
One good idea, but which we haven't used as yet, is the small zip access for electric cables to enter the tent and rooms.
Bag is very heavy when packed and bags compartments don't fully unzip for complete access. A little tough to repack, but finding it easier each time, as we figure out the best way to fold it. Perhaps adding wheels to a bag this heavy would be something Hi Gear could consider? My husband is going to end up with a hernia if he has to keep lifting it. (We're actually considering buying a small trolley from Screwfix to help move it around).
If you can manage the weight and the hassle of repacking this tent, this is a very good family tent.
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By: Jennyvbetts Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
I LOVE this tent.
We bought this last year and have had several weekends away, I can't wait to go for a full week in this tent as it really would be suitable for a longer stay.
The tent is HUGE and we use it for a family of four (we dont erect one of the bedrooms and have this as a storage area. It has a lovely spacious feel to it and the storage pockets etc are all added little extras.
It is fairly simple to put up and we have mastered the entire process into about 90 minutes (taking into account controlling a child and a dog!)
We bought this tent whilst it was on offer (£199) and it has been well worth it's money, we have ended up buying the matching carpet, windbreak etc. It really does look the business.
As other people have mentioned, the bag is stupidly heavy and a pain to fit back in which is the only real down site to this.
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By: Tigerfeet2006 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
This is an incredible tent. It is, as far as we can tell, identical to the Gelert Zenith 6 so the reviews on that one (and pics) apply here and vice-versa (except that this tent and carpet are often cheaper).
This is a £500+ tent and it is well worth it; that said has been on sale at Go Outdoors a number of times and we only paid £179 for it and when I last checked it was £299. GO BUY IT!
We were going to buy the High Gear Zenobia 6 tunnel tent but then they put this one on display. Wow!
As someone said on the Zenith reviews the living room area is cathedralesque. Enormous and lovely.
It does has a huge footprint and we've only taken it to 2 sites so far but neither had any issue with it. We did a test run in my brother-in-laws garden (it is bigger than our garden) and managed to iron out some niggles (such as how do you put up the front door (as asked below). That was easy. The red poles go into the sleeve with the red edges at the front of the tent, the biggest black poles (not the slimmer ones with the spike at the top) the straight ones with a slight kink at the end have the kinked bits put into either side of the red sleeve with the red pole clicked into it. You then use the hooks near the door to clip the tent to the poles and then pop the usual pins into the bottom of each. The spiked, thinner poles are to hold up the door as a canopy. You make the poles, put the spikes through the rings at the bottom of the doors, attach a guy line to each spike and volia. Mini canopy) which was just as well as it is only straight forward once you've done it a few times.
Our first attempt took about an hour for 4 adults without any guys put up or pegs put in. It then took us about an hour and a half to do it with 2 people, guys included at our first camp but it had a couple of creases. Our second camp took about 3/4hr including all pegs and it was nice and crisp this time.
Make up each of the poles.
The Black poles go first, then grey, then blue and then red.
You put the poles into the sleeves on the tent that are ringed with the same colour as them.
You follow the seam down from the sleeve to the base of the tent and attach the pin into the bottom of the poles
You then clip them in.
The poles are very, very stiff to begin with, the black ones especially.
They DO get much more flexible as time goes by. Our third erection (no laughing at the back) was made easier as the poles were less stiff (which makes for an oxymoronic double entendre).
One person should feed the poles through the sleeves, one at a time, fix one pin and then push back from the other side to fit the other pin
The second person should get inside and hold up the black pole as high as they can
The greys are hard to work to begin with but are incredibly easy later.
Do the poles
Do the guys on the poles ONLY. VERY tight, pulling out the shape
Do the pegs round the bottom of the tent pulling out the shapes very firmly, especially around the pods
Some poles will need to be shifted about a bit to get to the right shape
Then do the rest of the guys.
We've got the carpet from Higear and it is fantastic (but it moves a little on a hill) and our own door mat. We've also used a B&Q tarpaulin as an extra ground sheet and we'll be cutting this to shape next time we have it out.
Inside we fitted 2 big and one little inflatable mattresses into one pod and had 3 kids sleeping across them with a huge amount of room for them; a double mattress into the other side pod which left us with room either side; and storage in the back pod with the escape door shut. We fitted 2 double inflatable sofas, a really big camping cupboard and (on rainy days) a fold up picnic table with chairs in the main part of the tent and it still felt huge. Plus we were able to cook under the door canopy AND able to store the big gaz cooker and a camp table inside the front door without losing any real space.
The storage options described by others on here are fab as are the ventilation.
It is really warm during the day and could do with the top window being able to open but frankly that is laziness from us, we could open the back and front doors and get good ventilation. It IS cold at night as soon as the kids go to bed but it is big enough to use a camp heater in there without worry. In the pods it is toasty and warm not long after you seal yourselves up for the night.
Having to open the windows on the outside is a slight hassle but worth it.
It stands up to the wind and rain very well and it isn't too loud in a storm in the pods, we were in the tent in the hurricane weather that swept the country and it was very sturdy. We had no leaks or condensation issues at all.
Because of its size you'll need good lighting.
This is a tent that will make your camp buddies very VERY envious indeed.
It is HUGE.
The poles are stiff to begin with
It is cold at night in the main living area without many people there
It takes at least 2 trail runs to get it up properly quickly
The bag is stupidly heavy. REALLY heavy
It can be a faff to pack up (Fold in the pods, fold in half and again, get to width of bag, roll up to size of bag, ensure that a door or open window are at the end where you are rolling too, get kids plus yourself to get the air out, stuff into the corner of the bag you can't unzip, start zipping and keep stuffing into that corner, keep on pushing it in as you zip and sit on it).
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By: Vickyartbird Reason: I've used one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
We used ours for the first time a couple of weeks ago and it was really good. Only problem we had was the poles round the main entrance. Couldn't work out how it fits! There seemed to be one small red pole and some random black poles with some bends in them left over after constructing the main part. I don't know if we'd been given the wrong poles but couldn't find anything in the instructions. Anybody have an idea?
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39 User Reviews of the Sahara 6 - Showing 21 to 30 Page:
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Manufacturer's Description
Outer pitching first, the Sahara will keep you dry whilst putting up the spacious inner bedrooms via Easy Pitch technology.
A spacious family tent with a 3.8m diameter central living area is designed for up to 6 people to spend the week away from home.
Protected with a 3000mm Hydrostatic Head, the Sahara 6 will withstand the rain and water from the sky and the reinforced groundsheet stops water seeping into the bedrooms and living areas.
Plenty of ventilation points means that you can keep cool in the warm, or warm in the cold whilst the PVC windows allow huge amounts of light into the living areas.
Along with all of this, the Sahara 6 has hanging fittings, a double guy system, large porch and electric cable zip to name just a few.
Going away with the family? Pack a Sahara 6 and you'll be comfortable and protected for the whole trip.
HH: 3000mm Outer pitching first Fibreglass Poles Reinforced welded groundsheets for maximum floor protection Fully sewn in groundsheet prevents unwanted drafts or bugs Water repellent zips Electric cable zip access points to all bedrooms Excellent living area space & head height Extra large bedrooms for additional comfort Hanging storage pockets & organisers Multiple ventilation points 2 door entrance options Living area windows & skylights Bright guylines for extra visibility
... there may be more info on their website
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