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Tent Reviews: Berghaus Air 4

Tent and Awning Reviews Index  >  Other  >  Berghaus Air 4 Reviews

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Bedroom inners:
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8  (more 8 berth tents)
19.00 KG
Fully Sewn-in
Average User Rating:
8.24/10 from 17 reviews

Viewed: 167115 times

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17 Reviews of the Berghaus Air 4         Showing 11 to 17          Page:   1   2  

By: Belper Bloke  Reason: I've used one  Made in: 2017   Rating: 

So not to go on to long, good points and must have,

Ground sheet, carpet, better pegs

Read the instructions, watch the you tube video, inflate to near 4.5 psi install door frame before fully inflation, fully inflate tubes 4.5 psi no more.Fully peg as required tight ish.

To deflate fold towards the open valves to let out the air or it will not fit in the bag, fold length ways 1/4 then 1/2 , 3/4, towards the open valves

Then start to roll tight ball, sit on it working towards the OPEN valves, it will then fit in the bag, if not its full of air, good luck.

More free advice from Belper Bloke.X
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By: Oberon  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2016   Rating: 

Before I give you my review of the Berghaus Air4, may I enter a plea for help? HELP!

If anyone can tell me the correct way to fold this tent so that it goes back in the bag, I would be eternally grateful. I asked Millets. The customer service guy, Melvin, tried to help, but was unable to. That is nuts! All someone had to do was to get the folding pattern from their Chinese factory. But they couldn't/wouldn't/didn't. Bah! I am totally underwhelmed by Millets' after-sales service. And - how difficult would it have been for them to put 'packing away' instructions in the user manual? Packing away is just as important as erecting the tent.

OK, anti-Millets rant over. Except to say that I'll think twice before buying another tent from them.

The Air4 is a brilliant tent. Like one other correspondent, I am a solo camper, no longer in my prime. I'm nearly 70, but not dead yet. I wanted a tent that I could stand up in, and put up by myself.

The Air4 meets both requirements, easily. It goes up in five minutes. Pegging out takes a little longer. But it really isn't a hassle. You might want to replace the supplied pegs with something a bit more substantial as the peg supplied appear to be made from soft toffee. I bought 10' steel pegs , dirt cheap, from Amazon. No way is my tent gonna fly away :-).

I said that this is my second Air4. The first one developed an 8 inch rip the first night out. Millets were good as gold in replacing it. I don't think that the rip was due in any way to the design of the tent, or the quality of materials. I suspect that there was a flaw in the weave, nothing more.

Some have said that the poles for the 'rain-brow' (its a porch) are tricky to install. Here's the answer - insert the poles before you inflate the tent. Easy-peasy.

The great thing about that porch is that it sits just under my Trespass event shelter. Much less expensive than the Air4 extension and quite a lot more roomy. And yes, I can erect it on my own. The Air4 and Trespass shelter are a great combination.

Having received my replacement tent, I erected it, indoors. (I have access to a warehouse) This bit is really good - I left it up for a month and there was no noticeable loss of pressure in the air-beams. That is impressive.

To describe the Air4 as a 4-berth tent is stretching a point. If they were four adults, they would have to be really close friends. If they weren't at the outset they would be by the time they got back home :-)

The two 'bedrooms' are each just big enough for a double airbed and are separated by a hanging sheet. Just hope they don't snore. But I imagine it would be OK for a family of four if the kids were little.

For me, as a solo camper, it is just fine. My bed goes in one bedroom, all my gear in the other - which leaves the living area free.

There are two lantern hooks. A third would have been nice. Otherwise, the internal features that others have described are well thought-out so I won't repeat what has already been said. I'll be using the Velcro loops for the EHU to hold a string of solar LED fairy-lights.

I do think that the manufacturer may have missed an opportunity (or maybe it was just a cost-saving exercise) but it occurs to me that with the addition of a couple of poles, the huge front door could double as an awning. I have some spare poles, so perhaps I'll see if this idea works when I use the tent this weekend.

So, apart from the impossibility of getting it back in the bag, this is a brilliant tent - at a bargain price. Please - if you have found a folding pattern that works, please tell me how it's done.

Oh yes - to the gentleman who said that a footprint isn't available, I'm sorry to contradict you, but oh yes there is. Sadly Millets sent it a fortnight after they sent the tent, so like you, I made do with a £10 tarpaulin.

The only reason that I didn't give this tent 10/10 was because of Millets inability to give me the folding diagram that exists. They have it in the factory - their workers don't fold tents at random and hope that they will go in the bags. I've been visiting Chinese factories for the last 20 years, so I know how things are done out there. They give the workers diagrams.

So - a brilliant tent, let down by Millets very poor after-sales service.
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By: Mikeygasbag  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2016   Rating: 

I'm not good when it comes to decision making.

After weeks of research, I realised that an inflatable tent was the best way forward for an over 60 year old solo camper, who requires a small footprint but good standing room. In the end, it was the price point and Berghaus name that swung it for me.

I've just returned from a few days away and would like to add my thoughts.

First the pros:

Pitching is a doddle!

Packing away is a doddle!

Plenty of space.

Good storage options.

Sturdy and waterproof.

My cocker spaniel loves it!

Now the cons:

Ventilation could be better.

Difficult to fit side porch pole.

Difficult to zip/unzip side door.

No fold flat groundsheet on either one of the doors.

I have spoken with the guys at my local Millets store who have advised not pegging the corners out before inflating to address the zip problem. I'll update this review after my next camping trip.

I'm probably being very picky as my overall experience with this tent was positive. To be fair, at less than £300, it represents excellent value for money.
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By: Pamet22  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2016   Rating: 

Has anyone else had trouble with the poles bending in windy weather?? Also we really struggle to zip and unzip the side door, it's so tight we have to pull the material together to be able to zip the door closed ( a bit like when you fill your suitcase too full and someone has to sit on it to zip it up) surely it shouldn't be so hard? I think it's only a matter of time before the zip breaks or the seems come away. Thanks
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By: Vaughnsins  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2015   Rating: 

My wife and I purchased this tent as we needed to upgrade from a crummy second hand Halfords tent and we purchased this as I'm keen on Berghaus.

The tent is very quick and easy to pitch up and is a very clever design. It looks great too! It's up in seconds then the easy job of pegging in the guides.

It's a very spacious tent. I'm 6 feet 7 and my wife is 6 feet 1 and we can stand up in it. No more stooping and getting back ache. We had a wet night on our third night near Hay on Wye on its first trip and it handled it perfectly with no leaks. Such a pleasant camping experience and we are looking forward to its next outing
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By: Realbluesman  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2015   Rating: 

We bought one of these plus the porch from Millets three weeks ago at an astounding price for an inflatable tent. We have had an Outwell Bear Lake 4 plus extension for a number of years and love it. However time is catching-up with us and we find the Bear Lake increasingly heavy to erect. We baulked at paying nearly £2k to replace it with an Outwell Smart Air. So when we saw the Air 4 we thought we would give it a go.

We took it to the Lakes for a couple of wet and windy days. Once we had got our head round the instructions and watched Aebbee's great video (see above) we were stunned how quickly we managed to get the tent up - even including me getting the buttons wrong and deflating the air beam as I removed the pump! (again see above). We probably had everything up and ready in 30 minutes.

One of the negatives is that you cannot get a ready made footprint groundsheet or carpet. We solved the footprint by buying a 3m x 5m tarp and folding it under the SIG. Before we go next time I will fold it to shape with carpet tape. We solved the problem of the carpet by buying an attractive blue Easy Camp Wichita 500 carpet from Outdoor Action Website - it is almost a perfect fit. To spoil ourselves we also bought the smaller Wichita 400 carpet to go on the floor of the bedroom.

It poured it down the first night and we awoke to a totally dry tent - nice one Berghaus.

We also bought the porch and put this up next morning. There was a bit of head-scratching and playing with the positioning but we got it up and it is huge, but as easy to erect as the tent. It came with a groundsheet but this only has corner eyelets and I will put in an extra two per side.

Taking the tent down was a doddle. Getting them back in the bags involved a bit of pushing and shoving but they went in. We have since taken them out to dry and they have gone back easier.

Conclusions then. For the price we paid this is a brilliant tent with lots of clever design features. It is not of the quality of our polycotton Outwell but it cost a quarter of the price! How durable it will be is a question for the future. The key selling point is that it is a doddle to put up and take down - I think I could even put it up on my own. I would not hesitate to recommend it, especially as it comes in a beautiful Blackburn Rovers blue!
8 from 9 people found this review helpful, was it helpful to you?   

By: Aebbee  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2015   Rating: 

We were looking for a weekend tent that would be large enough for the odd week here and there that could comfortably accommodate myself, my partner and our two dogs which also means a living are large enough to accommodate our double dog crate without taking up too much of the living area.

After having read a thread on a Facebook group by a designer of the new Berghaus Air tent range, we decided to take a look at what the range of tents could offer us.

After discovering that there were none available to physically view in our area (Staffordshire) we carefully researched the tents online, after asking endless questions of the designer, we took the plunge and ordered the Berghaus Air 4 plus the Air Porch Extension.

We had just missed the Free Porch offer by Millets, but there was still a good reduction, the price for tent and porch online was £517 that included a 10% reduction for our first order.

There was a delay in delivery by the courier, Millets were quite helpful, and after 2or 3 days of complaining by me, I was offered a further 15% off the price of the tent for my inconvenience, so I was happy with that.

So, the tent.

The tent is very quick to inflate with the supplied pump, *you have to remember to double press the grey button after removing the pump to seal the inflation point (that may be why a previous review said one of the beams deflated during the night ).

First peg all corners with the thicker pegs provided. There are 3 beams on the Air 4, we began with the largest central beam, after a few pumps you need to briefly go inside the tent to nudge the centre beam up into position, it probably only took 10 pumps and the beam was inflated, repeat with the other 2 beams. (See our YouTube video). Connect the brow pole and feed through the sleeve above the side door, there was some resistance, but there's small Velcro pockets to fasten the ends into.

Next the Porch Extension.

The porch roof that covers the tent was easy to take across the roof of the tent, as the supplied guy lines are plenty long enough to do this.

Just two beams to inflate on the porch, when placing the inflated porch to the tent doorway, make sure the pockets where the ends of the brow pole sit at the door don't rub against the beams. We spotted that the first 3 letters of the Berghaus Logo would be visible once the porch was in place.

Our opinions of the Berghaus Air 4 Tent/Porch

To give you an idea of the size of the two bags together, they both fitted nicely in the boot of a Polo, and not as heavy to carry/wheel along as we expected it to be.

All seams and windows were taped. The groundsheet is fully sewn in.

The front entrance of the tent is large, with a fully meshed option, with a triangular window either side. The side door has a canopy and a window. There is another large window on the opposite side, we noticed how remarkably clear the windows were compared to other brands we'd seen. The inside of the tent felt light and airy, with plenty of head height, we loved the blue colour. Lots of pockets dotted around, and a zipped hole to receive than electric cable, with Velcro ties leading up the central beam to a hook for a light to hang centrally above the bedroom pod.

The two double bedroom pods are detachable from the tent, but not from each other, however, we unhooked the right hand bedroom pod and folded it away to create a space instead for our double dog crate.

The bedroom divider can be rolled up, and there is a mesh ventilation panel at the top section of the doors, and also at the back.

The Extension Porch is HUGE! There is plenty of room for a cooking are on one side, and a table and chairs the other, with large windows at either side. The groundsheet supplied with it is not bucket or fitted, which will give good ventilation whilst cooking. The entrance is huge too, and tall, which would be handy to reverse the car into if packing up in wet weather.

We could find no information or photos about this tent when we were searching, other than the retailers websites, so we've uploaded a slideshow and inflating video on YouTube to help anyone else who's struggling for info

Here's the links




Regarding the grey buttons when inflating

1: Before you attach the pump to the beam to INFLATE make sure the inflation point is closed by pressing the grey central button to pop it up*

2: When you DEFLATE press the grey button so it stays in and allows air to escape
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17 User Reviews of the Berghaus Air 4 - Showing 11 to 17          Page:   1   2  

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Manufacturer's Description

The inflatable beam design of the Berghaus Air 4 tent provides a special camping experience and a super-quick pitching time. Stable and strong with plenty of features, you'll wonder why camping hasn't always been this easy.

Available from Millets http://www.millets.co.uk/

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