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Tent Reviews: Bell Tent 3 Metre

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2  (more 2 berth tents)
12.00 KG
In one
Average User Rating:
9.5/10 from 2 reviews

Viewed: 15530 times

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2 Reviews of the 3 Metre

By: Owen 47  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2014   Rating: 

We too have the 3 metre bell tent with the tripod pole. We use it alongside our camper van so it's an ideal size for two to sleep or for separate refuge for the children. I don't think the tripod configuration is as easy to put up as a single pole but it does give you more space. Unfortunately the metal button you press in on the end of the pole and then pop into the hole has broken so it's a bit harder to put up now. It stands up really well to the wind and most rain. We were in it during the storms in August and after 12 hours of horrendous rain it was leaking quite a bit, mainly through the front zip which seemed to be the direction the rain was coming in and through the hole the door A frame poles go into. There is a little hat which covers it and helps in less extreme rain. It does have a nice feel to it and is fairly quick to put up. It has been great in very windy coastal sites. Though we got the zip off version we haven't yet zipped it off or tried rolling the sides up. The Windows are good because they can be opened from the inside. We saw some people with a larger bell tent who had to open theirs from the outside.
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By: Raf48  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2013   Rating: 

Just received my Belltent uk 3mtr with the new three side pole (tripod)no middle pole set up.(hope that makes sense)It is a very well made tent, and I can find no immediate improvements that I want to make to it. I went for the deluxe version, as all my previous bells had separate ground sheets and this made pitching them slightly harder. I've not actually had a proper camp in it yet, but did spend a nice afternoon in the garden with it. I will also try it with a single middle pole, as I have one available, but under most circumstances, I will use the tripod set up. It took me less than ten minutes to pitch it the first time, and that included tying the guy lines to the tent loops. I had put off buying a 3mtr for several years, as I was unshore if it would be large enough, but with the tripod design, I decided it would be perfect for shorter camps.

I can't work out how to submit the star rating, so I will give it 10/10 here just in case it does not show up in the review.
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Manufacturer's Description

Available in Standard with separate groundsheet, Deluxe with heavy duty integral groundsheet, and Ultimate with zippable heavy duty integral groundsheet

Brand New Design 3m Bell Tent with no centre pole so you can fit double mattress in it!

At last! So many of you have asked us for them and, until now, we haven’t made them because the centre pole prevents an inflatable mattress from fitting inside.

However, we've now found the solution – no central pole! We've created a very clever alternative – a unique three-legged A-frame instead, that sits inside the tent. This ingenious design erects the tent very securely, whilst not getting in the way, and making the best use of the space inside. Feel free to fill it with your camping essentials without worrying about working around a centre pole!

... there may be more info on their website

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