Tent and Awning Reviews Index > Coleman > Viper Reviews
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Bedroom inners:
Living area groundsheet:
Pitching Style:
1 (more 1 berth tents)
2.10 KG
Inner first
Average User Rating:9.6/10 from 5 reviews Viewed: 26807 times
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5 Reviews of the Viper
By: Malcx Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2002 Rating: 
Amazing tent given to me and used a few times. Strong and durable tent bag to keep it dry if submerged in water. Lovely looking and very light and strong single pole. The tent is and spacious inside for a single. Unfortunately lost my poles so need to find new ones, can anyone help, I posted a request: https://www.Ukcampsite.Co.Uk/chatter/display_topic_threads.Asp?ForumID=32&TopicID=362967
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By: Twa dugs Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2007 Rating: 
I found after much use the laminated inner groundsheet de-laminated in places. This was letting water into the tent. A polythene layer under the tent did not help much. I solved the problem by removing the remainder of the lamination (patience,a wet cloth and one hour work)washed and rinsed both sides of the groundsheet with Granger product, let dry for two days and painted two coats of Fabsil Gold over two days drying thoroughly between coats. The groundsheet now works perfectly. Had some Fabsil left over and painted a rucksac. Water now beads and can be shaken off the rucksac.
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By: SUE AA Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2003 Rating: 
This is my favourite tent,its best feature is the single lightweight aluminium pole and because the inner is half mesh all the way around the top half ,it seems to add to the space inside.Its quick to pitch and is still in top condition after all year round use.The only downside for me is the peg on the floor in the middle of the porchway I kept kneeling on it so don't use it.Ouch!
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By: Tootense Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2002 Rating: 
Fantastic quality as you would expect from coleman, large enough for all your kit and Storm my collie to sleep in. The gold anodised pole oozes quality and all the stitching is of a very high standard as is the materials used. Even came with a dry bag to keep dry even on canoe trips. Only fault/gripe is the groundsheet tends to wick moisture from ground so extra tarp a good idea.
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By: Jamieharris Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2003 Rating: 
Excellent one man tent. Very light. Single alloy pole-nice touch. Quick to put up. Just right for hiking-enough space in the inner to be comfortable, and sufficient room in the outer area for your kit and to cook. Still going strong despite frequent use.
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Manufacturer's Description
Description: The single pole, inner pitching first design of the Viper is centred around improving the comfort for the solo camper. Coleman’s WeatherTec system delivers taped seams, zip baffles and a more wind-resistant design. Packed size: 55x18cm Weight: 2.1kg Polyester 185T outer Breathable nylon inner 7075 Duraluminium poles Single entrance with side storage space WeatherTec system
... there may be more info on their website
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