Tent Reviews: Karsten 280 Standard Pod
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29.00 KG
Fully Sewn-in
Average User Rating:10/10 from 1 reviews Viewed: 11561 times
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1 Reviews of the 280 Standard Pod
By: Wiggy25 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2014 Rating: 
I bought this tent at the beginning of July 2014.I saw these tents displayed at en exhibition by the Camping travel Store the UK supplier.Having looked around them and spent the afternoon talking to James and Suzie King who are the owners went ahead with the purchase.As some background, the tents are made in Holland and have been around for a very long time.Some second hand models fetch very high prices as well.
The idea is you buy a standard pod, 280, 300, 350 or 380.These numbers represent the dimensions of the POD in this case a 280 is 280cm square.The standard pod is fully canvas has two inflatable tubes that cross in the centre. The tubes run diagonally from corner to corner.They have a fully sewn in ground sheet which comes up the sides by about 20cmThe 280 comes with two half moon zip panels inside at the back to allow ventilation and a mesh panel in the roof which has four covers which can be pulled across to cover the vent.There is one mesh window on the left hand side of the door, which as a zipped canvas panel on the outside which is used to close it off.
The door has two zips one on each side, the bottom of the door is held in place with Velcro.Down each side of the door are sleeves where poles are slid in to create a door frame each side of the door.When you buy the standard pod, different colours can be chosen, along with different options, such as an extra Window or an extra door way added, and the standard mosquito mesh can be changed to midge mesh.
Once you have the basic pod, Awnings can be added, the first one is the comfort awning and this is zipped into place on the main pod.Once this is added extensions and/or front walls can also be added.
We bought the standard 280Pod along with the zip on Comfort Awning, Front Mesh panel, Internal dividers and the Foil Window.I don't know why its called a foil window as it's a clear plastic with Velcro all around it to stick it over the mesh window on the tent.
Rolled the tent out, pegged out the 4 corners and inflated both tubes to the recommended pressure of between 3.5-4barLifted the front and the poles sprung up and tent was up, pegged out the 2xWings on each side then added the 4 corner guys.Main tent up and pitched in no time at all.The Comfort Awning zips onto the front of the tent and a pole is zipped into a sleeve at the front, two guy lines then hold it all upright.
What can I say, it's excellent, the style design ease of pitching and the options to adapt it to the user make it perfect.We did have heavy rain but no leaks and only a slight bit of moisture on the inside walls, although this was the first time it had been in any weather so needs some more to weather it fully!.We found this size of 280cm square to be more than big enough for the wife myself and the dog.With room inside for a table and chairs if the weather got really bad.Spent most of our time under the Comfort Awning which gives a nice sheltered place to cook and relax.
We will be ordering the rain awning which again zips across the comfort awning, this still leaves the zip free to attach an extension or front wall if so desired.The quality is outstanding, everything is top notch and little things have been thought about.These tents are not cheap, but you certainly get what you pay for.Along with this is the service from Camping Travel Store.
When you spend this sort of money it's nice to have the service that goes with it and that is certainly the case.
James and Suzie take great care and make sure everything is what the customer wants.Outstanding tent with the service to match.
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Manufacturer's Description
Karsten 280 inflatable storm-proof tent.
Karsten’s inflatable tents have demonstrated their quality over the years. They are no ordinary tents. Witness the top quality materials used, the sturdy construction, the excellent ventilation, their sheer spa-ciousness, and the perfect finish. What distinguishes the Karsten tents from other quality tents, however, is the fact that they are inflatable. The modern dome-shaped models and porch tents are up in no time - it’s only a matter of inflating the tube(s). This can be done with a small foot pump, a 12V compressor or, better yet, a bottle of compressed air. That’s all it takes. Taking down the tent is even faster due to the high pressure inside the tubes. The tents will resist even the worst weather imaginable.
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