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Tent Reviews: Outwell Vermont 7SA

Tent and Awning Reviews Index  >  Outwell  >  Vermont 7SA Reviews

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Bedroom inners:
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Pitching Style:
7  (more 7 berth tents)
50.50 KG
Fully Sewn-in
Average User Rating:
7/10 from 6 reviews

Viewed: 24646 times

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6 Reviews of the Vermont 7SA

By: Scott125  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2018   Rating: 

We have used this tent since new.

We love the tent and had been perfect for the family of 5.

It’s easy to put up you do need two to set the tent as one needs to hold the tubes up while inflating,do buy an electric air pump tho!

We have had no issues at all the tent has stood up to 30 mph winds and took this well staying up with no issues it’s been through some heavy downpours but had remained dry.

Only issue is the side porch will become wet inside but will not effect the main living part this porch is handy as you tend keep all the wet shoes and stuff there rather then the main tent.I wonder if this is why the new version doesn’t have the side porch?

We are now using it for the two of us as the kids are now older.

The tent is still like new and impressed with the tent I wish they made them still as there’s not much on the market with a side porch.
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By: Mattsday  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2018   Rating: 

We love the concept of this tent! It's large, spacious, practical for our needs, and has loads of little touches that we appreciate on our holidays.

However, we don't trust it. We've never had a successful trip with this tent where it doesn't collapse at least a little. The first time the main tube failed (one of the seams on the connecting tubes). We contacted the supplier who sent us a replacement. It was a pain, but ok mistakes happen.

That was 2019. Now in 2022 we're using it in France, there are no obvious leaks or problems but we have to pump it up twice a day or there's an obvious drop of pressure. You don't notice it until it rains and the extra weight collapses on you.

On closer inspection it's the vertical beams that do it. Although we can isolate them, all of them loose pressure in 24 hours - even the separately connected porch. This must be a design flaw and I've seen comments along these lines elsewhere.

Outwell support their tents for 2 years, which means that we've spent a lot of money on something that, if we can't now fix, we'll have to throw away!

Even if we could fix it though, I'll never trust it. Waking up wondering if the flysheet will land in my face is not the relaxing experience I want in life.

So, this expensive mistake will go in the bin here in France and we'll buy from a manufacturer that supports their air beams for longer.
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By: Raymondp3895  Reason: I've used one  Made in: 2018   Rating: 

Love this tent . Only used 3 times and only had one problem when it was very windy, one beam kept flexing. We put more air in and it was perfect . It didn't budge at all. A really roomy tent although there was just the 2 of us and the dog . Great tent and can't wait to use it again next year . We have even bought a porch for it
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By: Lacieay boldo  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2017   Rating: 

We got this tent to replace our old Gelert Horizon 8 when we realised our family of 5 had out grown it and we needed more space, especially on those rainy days. It didnt take long to choose this model after a short online search and a single viewing at a live display we loved it and it didnt take long to find a really good price on it along with the footprint and 3 layer carpet.

We took it out for its first use at the start of June when the weather was fantastic, we didnt go far just in case we had any trouble and with a 7 month old in tow its nice to know we cold up sticks and head home if things went wrong.

Pitching it for the first time was amazing compared to previous pole tents, pegging the corners and away you go with the pump, although thats a lot more effort than it looks like on the videos!

The tent itself didnt disappoint the bedrooms are spacious and certainly had enough space for our fold out double, the kids beds and a travel cot. The living area fitted 2 inflatable sofas and dogs with ease and the kitchen area had more than enough space for 2 units and a large table.

The only negative points I would say about the actual design would be the sloping front is a pain when it rains as water comes in every time you enter/exit, only one side door has any rain protection so again the same problem with the other door, so if its still stuffy and humid while raining ventilating the tent can be a pain.

The tent wasnt put through its paces as the weather was great and the wind never really got going so all in all a successful first trip and we couldn't be happier.

However things went very wrong on the second trip and that is why the tent has scored a 5. We arrived on site in the rain pitched fine and got set up, the rain continued on and off in heavy showers for the next 2 days and all was good no leaks etc, signs of condensation at the bottom of the beams and rain water collecting on the bath tub ground sheet in the front area but nothing that would spoil a trip. Day 3 and we woke up to much better weather the sun was out, breakfast was cooking then at about 10am several very and I mean very loud bangs and what sounded like a firework crackling made us all jump.

A quick search of the tent found one of the Air beams had ripped through its sleeve and ballooned out like a beach ball. In a panic I called the supplier for advice, which was to shut off the internal valves, deflate the beam, fit it back in the sleeve zip back up and slowly re inflate. This appeared to work got the beam up to 5psi and it held fine so we went out. It rained while we were out and we came back to the tent to find it had collapsed in on its self completely and every compartment was flooded. And in places the water had collected up to about an inch in water. On further inspection the beam had burst out again and I would assume at the lower pressure couldn't take the weight of the wet material and rain water. Outwell / supplier have suggested it may have been a manufacturing defect / faulty zip but looking at the number of issues other owners have had with the air beams im not confident in having another one, especially when it became apparent that sourcing replacement beams is difficult (Outwell do not retail package them and you can only source them via authorised resellers but no actual RRP means pricing and availability varies). I was finding prices of around £500-£700 to replace every beam, and as none of the beams are the same across the tent you would need the lot in case of emergency. So not being able to guarantee sourcing a replacement (Outwell class it as a wear and tear item, but only state the spares to be available for 2 years from date of release, so potentially if the tent were to experience problems with beams 3 years down the line you might find yourself putting it in the skip and starting again).

So in summary Great layout, loads of space looks amazing, the royal master bedrooms are class leading for us it was the perfect tent nothing needed to be compromised. But Outwells poor quality control, questionable design of the smart air system, undeniably poor customer service and lack of clarity around spares and support. Destroyed my confidence in the tent and in the end ive compromised on some of the features I love to try an alternative brands Air tent. Thats not arrived yet so I will review that after having the chance to use it a few times first.N If I was sure the tent would hold up it would score a 10 but for the reasons mentioned I cant give it more than a 5
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By: Safrifa  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2016   Rating: 

I really love my tent. Spacious for 4. Two point inflation works well. I have pitched this tent alone easily within 30 minutes including guylines. I use a car battery powered pump. Withstood rain and 50 mph gusts. Best features: deep bedrooms and porch/side entrance. Cons, there should be netting on the front door/awning.

My priority when choosing was something I could pitch alone, and space. This ticks all the boxes.
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By: Wightcamper  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2016   Rating: 

Hi all, purchased the Outwell vermont 7sa from bch camping , have to say got a really great deal off them the tent, the footprint and carpet all in was £1387, at the time of this deal in july you couldn't even get just the tent for that price.

Good points this tent is fantastic, worth every penny, it is so spacious and very easy to pitch, love the tinted windows , you can pitch this tent on your own but it is easier with two, mainly because one person needs to go in tent as it is inflated and push up the airbeams ,in the two times we have camped this year the weather has been very kind, hot no wind or rain except for 1 day where wind was very gusty, and it rained for a day, tent coped very well , the inflated frame of tent had no problem dealing with gusts , no leaks either,

Bad points , this list is short, plastic pegs that come with tent didn't cope well with hard ground at campsite, when I took them out most of them were bent badly, so useless now, will upgrade to strong metal ones, Outwell only give you 4 big metal pegs , 1 for each corner, would have been better if they were all like this, thats it nothing else to moan about , love this tent.
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Manufacturer's Description

The Vermont 7SA is ideal for large families, sleeping up to seven (2+3+2) in three Royal Master Bedrooms plus a huge living area. It uses the Outwell Advanced Air Tube System and One-Go Inflation Technology with pre-angled, Gothic–style air tubes for superb stability and generous headroom. Plus, it benefits from three zone flexibility – wet, dry and bedrooms – for practical tent living. The tent front area can be zipped off completely for a truly airy feel.

Technical specifications
Type of tent: Four room tunnel tent
Sleeps people: 7
Hydrostatic Head: 6000 mm
Flysheet: Outtex® 6000 (100% polyester Oxford) with taped seams
Inner tent: Breathable 100% polyester
Rooms: 3 bedrooms, 1 living room
Tubes: Integrated Advanced Air Tube System frame for best performance.
Max pressure: 7 psi/0.5 bar
Poles: Alloy 13 mm, 2 upright steel poles
Floor: Double-coated 100% polyethylene, 10,000 mm hydrostatic head
Pitching way: Flysheet first or as one
Pack size flysheet: 26 x 52 cm
Weight flysheet: 50.5 kg

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