Tent Reviews: Royal Pescara 8 ZG
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Bedroom inners:
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8 (more 8 berth tents)
Fully Sewn-in
Fly first
Average User Rating:9.27/10 from 15 reviews Viewed: 57686 times
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15 Reviews of the Pescara 8 ZG
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By: JonC1 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
We think this is a great tent. Large, spacious and waterproof - a bit difficult to put up in windy conditions though.
Further to a couple of reviews below, we also need some replacement central red poles. Does any one like Ewen C, Lord Lucan or anyone else know where they can be tracked down please?
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By: Tonyd3 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
Reluctantly retiring our Pescara, after over 5 years of use.
Brilliant Tent, almost every campsite we have been on in Ireland people have commented on how funky a tent it is. It is huge on the inside, great use of space and very sturdy in a storm. Sadly it developed a leak around both of the poles on over each bedroom. I searched and patched but could never find the source of the leaks. We have gone for a rather anonymous Vango illusion 800, and I think I might be able to use the Pescara Canopy on the Illusion. If anybody needs spares etc for this tent, drop me a line as I would rather it had some use that just dumping it.
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By: Ewen c Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2007 Rating: 
We bought this tent new in 2015 though it is the 2007 model. A local store has a supply of boxed pescaras with no poles. They made up new poles and sold the tents at bargain prices.
First thing we did was put in the zig, pitch it and gasp at the size. Pitching was easy for two. We start with the crossover poles in the middle and work out.
The porch is used for kitchen and entrance. The living area takes a table and 6 chairs with room to spare and the annexe is used for storage. It also provides handy through ventilation on hot days.
We like how the bedroom partitions roll up leaving a flat floor, the storage pockets and the space. It is also rock solid in strong winds.
The only niggles have been the lack of a bathtub groundsheet in the main porch and one of the bedroom pod straps almost came off. I think this was due to a trip at the door as the rest of the stitching is bomb proof.
It is hefty to transport butjust the job for long stays.
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By: HarryBear Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
This is probably the best tent I've ever owned (and I have had many, many tents!). The layout works fantastically well for our family - two adults, three children and an awful lot of stuff. It takes us about 45 minute to set up and it doesn't come with any instructions so our first attempt was trial and error. As to be expected, the bag of poles is very heavy but the bag for the flysheet is very generous so packing it away isn't an ordeal. The tent withstood awful weather whilst in North Wales on a coastal campsite including 50mph gusts and torrential rain which ruined many other tents.
I can't really add any comments that haven't already been made, other than the only problem we have found has been its size - not many campsites take tents of this size, particularly in Cornwall.
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By: Rachelpbp Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
We have owned and used this tent for 5 years now, at least 2 camping trips a year for a few days up to a week. We love this tent, we can put it up in about 45 mins and it is so spacious our large family (now 4 adults and 5 children ranging from 3 to 16) all fit in fine.
We have slept in the bedroom and in the living area (someone has to!) with no problems. We just chuck the bedding into 1 of the bedrooms till the next night.
The kids love the space and even on wet (it always rains when we are camping) holidays it has never leaked. We are looking at resealing this year, that should be a mammoth task as the top of the tent is unreachable! I think a pressure garden spray will work.
The canopy makes all the difference keeping the porch area clean and dry and gives somewhere to sit on an evening if the flying insects allow.
Lots of electric cable zips to plug in various phones etc.
Absolutely love this tent, we have had smaller big tents but this has been the best size and layout for our huge family
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By: Lord Lucan MK Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2010 Rating: 
I have to say it is a superb tent I bought the green one from Tony Wilde at Woburn, the key thing that has become an issue for me is the Red Poles as one of the angled parts of the upright has bent whilst putting it up. The key problem for me seems to be tracking down someone who can supply me with a replacement item as Royal do not seem to want to talk to me. The other thing is I have found is that the tent needs regular seam sealing and water proofing probably due to the size of it. Pity they have stopped making these now as they really are a great tent for their size
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By: Andyboylester Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
Just come back from a week in Scotland, where the wind did blow and the rain did fall. We kept nice and dry all week. We cooked, we played games, we ate and slept. The tent is large enough for me, my wife and our seven kids to knock around in without feeling over cramped. It's easy to pitch (particularly with a couple of large teenagers on hand to help), it has design features that make it an absolute pleasure to camp in, such as the large windows in the porch area, and the little annex where we set up our cooker, right under the little notice that says DO NOT COOK IN THIS AREA. I strongly recommend getting the footprint groundsheet, and am kicking myself for not getting the carpet when I had the chance. The zipped in groundsheet stops draughts and midges effectively, meaning that the main living area became our bedroom at night, and was absolutely fine.
In short, if I ever need to buy another new tent, I'd buy another one of these.
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By: Trenchfoot2010 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
I can't add much more to that which has already been said about the Pescara. Brilliant tent, bought on the rebound from a leaky Nebraska. Any concerns I may have had at buying a tent for £350 (including canopy and carpet), which I though was too cheap. Were allayed in July 2010 on its first pitch where it stood up to 18 hours solid rain (abersoch). It has just served us heroically on the Gower, including surviving a storm which the locals described as the worst (summer) one for 30 years. We had a inch of rain, roads turned into rivers, etc but nothing came in.
The big bonus of these Visa vis tents is the ease of putting up compared to a conventional tunnel. This is our second Royal (Bordeaux 6ZG)and both have been excellent.But the Pescara goes up without blood, sweat and tears.
If you are considering the Pescara get the canopy. Its fab, we spent the week with just one side curtain up as a wind break, but it also acted as a shelter for the front door. The only problem with this type of tent (not just the Pescara) is the sloping front door which is a bit of a pain after the height of a Tunnel. But then again I'm 6 foot 4 so I shouldn't grumble.
The zip out groundsheet is a boon after a grotty weeks camping. The tent was dry, zipped off and put away. The groundsheet - minging. Just stuck it in a bin bag and pegged it out in the garden on getting home and brushed off the hundreds of wormcasts.
All in all a well designed tent, easy for two to put up. Plenty of internal room for wet days. Just make sure it will fit in your car/trailer - the bag is huge!
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By: 2* Camper Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2008 Rating: 
I love my tent. I did a lot of research into which tent was the right one for my family, liked the look of the Nebraska but needed somewhere to put a loo. Reading on the internet I stumbled on the Langleys review of this tent and decided to find out how hard it would be to find one. It wasn’t, so ordered it off the net from London and had a practice pitch in the back garden.
This is only the second time my family has used it. The first time we had to pitch in driving wind and rain so basically threw it up and hoped for the best and it didn’t let us down. It withstood everything thrown at it from gale force winds and rain (which downed many tents) to blazing sunshine. As we were new to camping we made small mistakes erecting it and a (red) main tent support pole was bent. This did not in any way impede the tent structure or sturdiness. We did mean to replace it but never got around to it and the tent was very secure the second time too.
This time, well what a difference good weather can make. We arrived to a hot sunny day and spent time able to enjoy setting up the area we wanted the tent to be in by moving around the footprint. Once we were happy with the positioning out came the tent. It is a tunnel tent but has a crossover dome type central area. Once the poles for the centre are in place the structure is sturdy enough to stand on its own while the bedrooms are set up. We set up one side at a time, then the porch, then the annex at the back, took about 45 mins to get it the way we wanted it. Last time I couldn’t use the awning as the pitch was too small but I was determined to use it this year and we did. Although it took us as long to figure out how to use the poles and the curtains the correct way so that it hung properly. Some decent instructions would be good. I then set up the inner tent while other half went round and pegged it down.
The awning makes such a difference as we could open up and air the tent no matter what the weather was. It is a light and airy tent but feel that it is lacking in windows in the living area, a skylight would be better than nothing. We slept with the bedroom areas zipped opened as two rooms rather than four. It has plenty of space for four as we are, or even six but think people would struggle with eight especially 8 adults unless some slept in the living area.
The zipped in groundsheet is brilliant as it stopped crawlies getting in. The front porch and back annex has bathtub groundsheets but we had few problems with insects.
The main problem with this tent is the instructions are not very good, a lot of it is guesswork. Oh but do follow the soak your tent then let it totally dry out instruction the first time it is out the bag or you may find yourself sitting in a puddle of water as we did. Once it was dry we haven’t had another leak at all.
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By: Southstar10 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
We finally went for this tent after many a search to fulfil our requirements (mainly space,height and wanting separate sleeping quarters)on the back of a previous review on this site giving a very detailed analysis and comparison to the Nebraska xl.
We are so glad to report after only 2 camping trips so far have definitely made the right choice. Yes it is large and yes its very heavy, but like its been said its quite easy to erect and has a high quality standard.
We are impressed with the size as my husband is 6'4 and needed to stand up.Also appreciate the little separate annex for the porta loo as came in very handy for our 2 small children.
The bedroom quarters can be either as 4 or can unzip and have as one large at either side, this is great for us as we as parents can have one large side and the 2 children still have a room each at the other end.
The living quarter is of ample size to fit your chairs in and still have plenty of room to move about on those wet evenings.Yes having window sky lights would most probably have been a bonus but its a very light tent anyway.
The kitchen area is spacious to fit stove stand and the 4 seater table and have room still to turn around in.
The canopy is the bonus in this tent with removable sides is great as you can sit in wet weather with them on, but use as a shade in sunny weather when without.
When we first erected this tent on a trial run we thought oh my its rather large but when taking it to a camp site its really no bigger than most family tents anyway so don't be put off with the dimensions.
Yes we suffered a wee leak on a very wet evening on the zip joint near the bed room quarters but personally think its pot luck to get a 100% weather proof tent with any brand.
Haven't tried to put it away with the inner rooms and ground sheet still attached so have had to remove them prior to dismantling thus adding time to erection on the next camping trip.
It does come with the large carry case on wheels but no matter we still can't get the poles to fit, so have to transit them separate!hey ho the joys of camping.
The only negative point what comes to mind is that it does trap a lot of insects in the slope mesh to the living quarters and do spend time having to remove them (yuk) it is quite a job on hot sunny days so the tent does spend a quite a lot of its time zipped up to avoid them getting in and being pests through out the night! (but figure thats the same with any tent!)overall this is a great family tent with plenty of room, I would highly recommend to any camper especially to the novice!
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15 User Reviews of the Pescara 8 ZG - Showing 01 to 10 Page:
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Manufacturer's Description
One of the only tent manufacturers for 2008 that have Ripstop flysheets. Royal ZG tents with zipped on groundsheets offer the same features as our stitched in tents, but with a groundsheet that can be removed to help preserve your grass pitch
The Pescara 8 has a fully removable zip in/zip out groundsheet and features an annexe at the back for extra storage.
Flysheet: 185T Ripstop polyester flysheet with taped seams, 3000mm water Column. Poles: 16mm Ultra-Plus Poles Pitching Way: Flysheet first Features
Zip on canopy with side windbreak panels for addional shelter Generous sized front porch with bath-tub riser groundsheet reinforced pegging points Double guying points for extra stability Heavy duty zips Fully Removable zip in/zip out groundsheet to fully protect against the Large clear Panoramic windows (with window curtains? for increased visibility Maxi-flo vent and view system for enhanced comfort Adjustable flysheet tensioners allow you to further improve stability Wheeled Storage bag for easy transportation
... there may be more info on their website
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