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Tent Reviews: Vango Exodus 800 Airbeam

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Bedroom inners:
Living area groundsheet:
Pitching Style:
8  (more 8 berth tents)
32.80 KG
Fully Sewn-in
Average User Rating:
8.33/10 from 3 reviews

Viewed: 26421 times

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3 Reviews of the Exodus 800 Airbeam

By: BaldyBob  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2013   Rating: 

We bought this tent second hand for a bargain £350 with carpet, footprint and a porch (Coleman not Vango).

First impressions on rolling it out was that the quality was 1st rate with thick material and good seams.

From pegging out to tent up on our 1st attempt was 20 minutes and 15 more to add the rooms and fully peg out. We left the pods in place on deflation and also now don't use all the peg points and can get the tent out and ready in 25 minutes single handed and 10 with 2 people which is amazing. The only bit I don't like is that unlike a pole and sleeve tent which has the poles on the outside the airbeams are internal. This give better stability in high winds but does give a slight feeling of having a lower roof than our last tent (Khyam Ontario 800). The inflatable porch beam is a great idea and with 2 doors and an end entrance there is great flexibility.
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By: Pgtips123  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2013   Rating: 

There do not appear to be many reviews on this tent but we have got one. For us its a cheaper way for our family to take summer holidays and with four children we need space. We opted for the Exodus because of the porch and extra entrance/exit 'doors', the 800 because it has plenty of space.

We actually have an old VW campervan and are going to be using this tent like an awning where the kids can sleep as well if they want. Thats why the porch was useful to us, we can connect it to the camper if we want to.

Only had it up in the garden so far for 7 nights, all sorts of weather, with the canopy on the side and very pleased to say we've had no problems with deflating beams or air leaks anywhere. The tent is very spacious, there is good light inside and its roomy. We have the carpet which is really nice.

We bought 'blind' on the internet and thought this tent would be a monster. It is big but pleasingly the Exodus 800 doesn't look as big when its up as it actually is. You can take out one or both bedrooms inside.

With the optional canopy on the side we have a lot of extra room if we decide to use it and the kids have got plenty of room to spread out. We certainly won't be constantly moving bags and stuff from one place to the other to make space. Its difficult to pack light with young and old children (car seats,pushchairs, bedding etc etc), the extra space will be a godsend.

Pitching didn't take long, worth doing a practice before you do it for the first time. I'm not sure we could do it in the advertised 6 minutes but its fairly straightforward, no messing about with poles. Bearing in mind this is a 8 person tent it is straightforward to erect.

Deflating it is ok but haven't quite cracked how to get it packed away to easily fit back in the bag. I read somewhere someone packed one of these airbeams away with a carpet inside as well but we need to work on this :-)

The tent quality is good. By comparison to conventional tents these are quite a lump in terms of pack size. 32kg is not light but it is manageable but they are nice tents and you'd expect it to be big, it sleeps 8. You can remove the bedroom compartments for extra living space. The bag it comes in has wheels so it is not a struggle to move it around.

We found the only cause of water getting in was because I pitched the tent inside the footprint (out of line slightly i.E you could see the footprint when the tent was up), the problem here is water runs off the tent onto the footprint and sits on top (because its made of plastic) so you need to make sure tent covers footprint. Water didn't get inside as the groundsheet is sewn in.

I was a bit worried about the valves but Vango kindly sent us some more. I think the pump works fine but for ease we will use an electric pump if we can, possibly if also used to deflate it then this might make it easier to getting it back in the bag.

I read that people are worried about over-inflating the tents but it should not be too much of an issue, just inflate it enough for it to be sturdy, the beams don't need to be rock hard, just firm.

I thought I'd lost the instructions (I didn't look inside the bag) but basically you peg out the footprint (if you decide to use it/have one), lay out and peg the tent, then inflate, finish pegging out (over the footprint). Very simple.

It has 3 entrance/exit areas and flynet inner doors inside each. There is a partition between each bedroom which can be taken down to make one very large sleeping/storage area at each end or just one end of the tent.

Its a good all round tent. Bar the price (which is why I gave it 8 and not 10) there are no real negatives. It will pitch on a standard caravan and camping 8x6 pitch size. We will be buying a couple of poles and making the entrance door on the canopy into porch. We normally go away several times a year so will update this review after some good use.
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By: J0GG  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2013   Rating: 

Just used for the first time (in very wet weather!) and we are very impressed. Very easy to put up although the pump split after the first beam inflated. (luckily we could still get enough air through to inflate the other beams but we were surprised at the low quality of the pump compared to the high specs of the tent itself). Extremely roomy, definitely waterproof and warm with the carpet (which we purchased separately as a 'Vango infinity carpet' which is the same size as the exodus but a lot cheaper!).
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Manufacturer's Description

We have taken all that was great about the Vango Infinity and simply included a full height AirBeam at the front of the tent giving the camper more living space to play with. This coupled with the new 150 denier fabric makes the Exodus a must buy for the family looking for the ease and convenience of a Vango AirBeam® and the comfort of a large family tent.

Weight 28.1 kg
Pitching Time 5 min
Pack Size 78 x 48 x 36cm

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