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Tent Reviews: Vango Infinity 400 Airbeam

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4  (more 4 berth tents)

Fully Sewn-in
Average User Rating:
6.5/10 from 18 reviews

Viewed: 76038 times

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18 Reviews of the Infinity 400 Airbeam         Showing 01 to 10          Page:   1   2  

By: Tweedy100  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2010   Rating: 

This is the easiest tent to erect I can do it on my own in less than ten minutes. I leave the bedroom section attached and only remove it at the end of the season. I also purchased the footprint and the inner carpet. The reason for only 9/10 is that one of the covers for the air pump broke of its holder, this doesn't stop me using it but have to remember to pack it separate so as not to loose it.
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By: Bluenosesteve  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2011   Rating: 

Follow up to my previous review.

The replacement tent did not have the build quality issues of my first one and we've used it for a year now and are happy with it. Just back from Scotland and a week of variable weather.

I'd agree that condensation is an issue and that ventilation needs to be improved. I think in many cases the pooling of water that people notice is at least partly due to a build up of condensation that then drips down to the lowest point ie the beams.

I'd also agree with the point that the front of the tent is a poor design - you have to be well over 6 feet to open the outer without also opening the mesh and additional guy ropes would be useful. Also some ability to open for ventilation without the water coming in - either a flap over the top and a top opening zip, or the ability to attach poles to make it into a roofed porch opening would be an improvement.

We certainly haven't experienced any issues with the beams collapsing or bending. Quite the contrary - in high winds they hardly move at all. Far more stable than any pole tent I've used of a comparable size.

One other niggle is that the front hooks for the inner are positioned right behind the beams and fiddly to clip into - if they were 2 inches forward it would be a lot easier.

Issues are minor though in comparison to the ease of pitching and packing up (so much quicker than any other tent of a comparable size) and the stability.
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By: ACFozz  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2012   Rating: 

We really wanted to like this tent but Vango have just not got it right. It looks great and has some nice features but we had too many problems.


Lack of ventilation meant that we had a huge build up of condensation.

Water continuously pooled around the bottom of the beams.

The groundsheet was not sealed properly along the seams so water collected underneath the carpet.

The connector on the pump cracked the first time we used it.

The bit where you attach the front curtains to isn't substantial enough and the holes have stretched badly after the first use.

There are no guy ropes on the front of the tent (apart from on the front beam) so the front of the tent flaps about in the wind and caves in when wet. The 2011 model had 2 guy ropes at the front which they have removed from the 2012 model.

The corner of one of the windows leaked.

The front two poles lost pressure a couple of times and began to bend so we had to re-inflate them.

All of these issues were inconvenient but we had to cut our trip short as the tent collapsed in on us when the wind changed direction and was blowing towards the front of the tent. We felt that this may not have been such an issue if there were more ropes on the front of the tent. We tried tightening the ropes and changing the position of them but nothing helped. It was quite windy but everyone else's tents stayed put. Things actually got worse as we tried to pack up with all 3 of the beams eventually collapsing in on us. As you can see in the pictures we're not talking just a little bit, they went straight down to the ground.

As I said, we really did want to like this tent but we certainly would not recommend one unless you only ever camp in good, dry weather.

Hopefully we will be able to get our money back.
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By: Aiden Roberts  Reason: I've used one  Made in: 2011   Rating: 

I was sceptical about purchasing an inflatable tent not least because I just couldn't see it being anywhere near as good as my Outwell Sunvalley 8. Rather than making the investment I borrowed one.

I have never owned a Vango tent before but was obviously aware of the reputation, overall I was not disappointed with the quality. The inflation and pegging was straight forward; much like I had seen in the video. The space and build didn't cause me any concern either. My concerns started when the weather changed; initially I felt that the tent was ready to come in on itself when the wind got up but it didn't, granted it took a little getting used to but it stayed up.

One of the worst times as a camper is packing up, the infinity deflated no problem and much quicker than a normal tent, easy really and a lot less stressful.

Overall I rate this tent a 6, it didn't do anything wrong but I would like to see the new season models where any glitches will be ironed out.
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By: Cowman  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2011   Rating: 

This tent is really good. Thats the long and short of it! I have had no issues with leaking, I have always been able to make it look like the brochure photos with very little effort.

The ease of use and the quality of the space it provides makes for a fun camping trip. There is no better praise for it.

My list of +ve

Easy to pitch
Easy to strike

Its a smart looking tent!


My pressure gauge does not work, never has
The door zip is a little fiddly
Storage bag needs a little alterations to make it easier to use.
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By: Sgrisdal  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2011   Rating: 

Extremely disappointed with this tent. It leaked a lot around the bases of the inflated poles, and water came in through the roof as well. Our first trip to Cheddar with it was during gusting winds and heavy bursts of rainfall, and the tent leaked everywhere. Also, the tent seemed ready to blow away at any minute and the tube at the bedroom end, was visibly, during the night, struggling to stay in position as it were in the gusting winds. I watched and saw the tube in the bedroom end, the only one visible to me, attached to the roof of the sleeping area, bowing down until it was almost in contact with us in sleeping position. The second attempt with the tent down at Leysdowne, Isle of Sheppey, a few weeks later, and we again had pooling of water at the base of the tubes. I feel for the price, £480, we paid, there is no way the tent we bought was worth a third of that in all honesty. It was more like a festival tent we thought. I would like a refund as the tent is only 3 months old and we've only used it twice. The tent was easy to inflate, but there was a big price to pay for that in terms of that was the only pleasing bit about it in terms of using it to camp in inclement weather.

No hard feelings but please could we have a refund Vango?
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By: Barksandbytes  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2011   Rating: 

We took delivery of our Airbeam Infinity 400 in early June (after pre-ordering it in April) and it has now had two outings, which I think gives me enough knowledge to make a proper assessment. We spent 11 nights in Dorset late June to early August and have just returned from a 4 night break in Gloucestershire last week. The tent was very easy to put up, inflating quickly and being fully pitched in under 30 minutes, although experience has taught me that pegging the groundsheet out then inflating beams leaves a small amount of sagging between the beams where water collects, although it didn't leak. On it's second pitching we worked our way down the tent pegging the groundsheet then inflating a beam alternately, which enables you to pull the beams apart before pegging, giving the outer shell a better shape and better water clearing tension. We experienced all weathers during it's seventeen day/two trip debut and it coped brilliantly. It felt very stable during some extremely blustery conditions last week, and after several showers and three nights of heavy rain (over the two breaks) there was NO leakage or signs of water collecting at the base of beams as others have reported. The interior was very roomy, with plenty of living and sleeping space, although it was just the two of us and a small dog. There was minimal condensation on the tent interior in the mornings, which was pleasing. We have been very impressed overall with the tent and it compares very favourably with the Robens Valley Lodge it replaced. We do have to score it at just 9 out of 10 though as there were some little niggles.

Firstly you cannot roll up the end flap/door without unzipping the inner fly screen door too, in order to stand in the tent to hook the rolled door up, as it's too high (and I'm 6' 2' tall). Amongst the midges of Scotland this would be nightmare'ish. There should be some sort of pulley system to solve this. Secondly the end flap/door does not have steel rings in the flap corners (for poles) so it can be used as a makeshift awning (the Vango Icarus 500, it's poled sister, has these rings and is half the price!). Thirdly the storage pockets in the bedrooms are very weak. I placed my small mobile phone in one and my watch in one of the others (over night) and after two nights the stitching had pulled leaving small holes and these were hardly weighty items. Fourthly the side door is difficult to close properly from the inside (at bedtime) as the inner fly screen is curved and the outer door is square making it very fiddly to line up and engage velcro patches etc for a perfect seal against the elements, although this didn't lead to any watery ingress in our case.

So all in all an excellent tent with some minor niggles that really should have been picked up in it's development stage. We would nonetheless highly recommend this tent and say it is worthy of it's 9 out of 10.
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By: CMOO  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2011   Rating: 

I took this tent to Germany for two weeks. As it says it easy to inflate and you know when it has been pumped up which is about 3 psi not the 5psi as recommended. I did have concerns about the tent's ability to cope with heavy rain. We did experience heavy thundery rain and on the first occasion a small amount of water was at the base of the central air tube and we had some water drips coming from one of the window straps - but during subsequent heavy thundery rain falls we had no repeat from such problems. We did purchase a carpet with the tent and this did make the whole experience much more comfortable and I would recommend this if you buy the tent. The airbeam did provide plenty of space both bedroom and living areas.We found no problems packing the tent away and the case even took the carpet. Overall I was pleased with the purchase and would recommend it
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By: LAllan2705  Reason: Other  Made in: 2011   Rating: 

My name is Lisa Allan, I am Marketing Manager for Vango and I am keen to learn more about your individual comments and experiences regarding our Vango AirBeam Infinity 400.

We, at Vango, pride ourselves in the integrity of the tents we produce and always aim to deliver the highest possible quality. However on the odd occasion a problem can arise despite our best efforts. We believe that these have been isolated occurrences and are not typical. However, every fault is a failure and we continue to strive for perfection.

You should feel confident in buying a Vango AirBeam, for three reasons,

1. We have taken great care in developing and producing the Vango AirBeam

2. We have over forty years experience in developing cutting edge technologies in outdoor equipment

3. If you are unlucky enough to find a fault, we have an industry leading return and repair service

Please note the following instructions for inflating a Vango AirBeam tent.

Inflate all beams to 3psi. The beams should be guided into an arch as they are inflated by a second person

Once all beams are inflated to 3psi each one can have an additional 1 or 2 'pumps'

Final beam pressure MUST NOT exceed 4psi

We will continue to push the boundaries of new technology to make camping an even more enjoyable and relaxing experience.

If you have an unanswered question regarding Vango AirBeam, please email me at : lisa.Allan@amg-group.Co.Uk
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By: Db123  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2011   Rating: 

I have just come back from camping, had a week in kielder, when the tent was took down, had loads of water at the back and under the inner tent.

Went up to Scotland for the second week, the middle airbeam had exploded in the heat, contacted caseys the shop I bough it from, who said Vango would get me a pole out, this nether came.

But then informed me, that Vango have now given new guide lines out.

Only inflate to 3PSI and then 2 more pumps, not 5 PSI like the instructions said.

Then the rain came, all beams had pools of water at the bottom, dripping into the inner tent and living area, as the wall were soaked in the tent.

Ended up having to cut my holiday short and still waiting for Vango to pick this tent up to be checked.
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18 User Reviews of the Infinity 400 Airbeam - Showing 01 to 10          Page:   1   2  

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Manufacturer's Description

New for 2011. Going away for the first time with your family and friends then the Infinity series is ideal. Speed of pitch could not be easier than with the infinity tent and Airbeam technology. The easy pitch tunnel structure, with Vangos patented TBSII system for additional stability in windy conditions, light and airy feel, flexible bedroom configurations storage options aplenty and headroom.

Technical Specifications:
- Flysheet: Protex 6000 polyester embossed
- Inner: Breathable 190T Polyester
- Groundsheets: Polyester
- Windows: PVC
- Pitching: Flysheet first

General Details:
- 6000 HH
- Embossed flysheet
- Flysheet-first pitching
- Orange reflective guylines
- Pre attached guy lines with guy tidies
- Sewn-in polyester groundsheet
- Embossed breathable fabric inner tent
- Vango Light reducing inner tent
- Polyester inner groundsheet
- Easy find Inner Clips
- Part mesh inner door increases ventilation
- Detachable inner divider
- Flexible inners
- Zip out windows
- Internal covers
- Mesh doors
- Fire retardent flysheet, groundsheet and inners

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