Tent and Awning Reviews Index > Vango > Kalari III 420 Air Reviews
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36.00 KG
Average User Rating:9.5/10 from 2 reviews Viewed: 7716 times
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2 Reviews of the Kalari III 420 Air
By: Taffy Camper Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2020 Rating: 
Our local caravan dealer ( North Wales caravan & Leisure - Llandudno Junction) suggested we look at the Kalari for our caravan we had just bought.
Seen it set up for as a smaller version awning but once seen we wanted the 420 size and Bought it there and then without any doubts.
Its now been used everywhere we have been on days away more than 5 days and love it.Its so simple to assemble, quick to fit out with the lighting supplied andwith the annexe we bought, its been great taking the family away too.
We Can't fault it with its structural resilience and it certainly a game changer away from metal or carbon poled awnings.
Vango have a winner with the Air beam awnings.
Definitely Looking forward to taking it away to the South of France soon!
Its got the luxury rating you need for serious trips away.
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By: Taffy Camper Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2018 Rating: 
The Vango Kalari 3 Awning was promoted to us by our caravan dealer who made it very high praise.We bought it and on 1st use, it took us 40 minutes to fully assemble it and fit the lighting system too. We we really impressed with it and as an awning to accept an annexe, we added that too and took a family holiday for 5 and were blown away by its size and accommodation it provided.
It's Great for eating out and socialising in the evenings and with a fully shaped ground enviro friendly mat it makes for comfort under the feet too.
Its been out with us now for four seasons and not once has it let us down when the weathers been vert adverse.
The air beams are so strong and rigid, we'd never go back to a framed awning again.
Vango created a family winner indeed.
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Manufacturer's Description
The Vango Kalari air awning 420 has been designed to complement your caravan, from the luxurious handle of our Sentinel Luxe fabric to the vista front creating a unique and inviting space. A great area to spend time with friends and family, the Kalari offers a bright and airy space with an increased door and internal height from the smooth curve beams. Whilst the Vango Draught Seal system ensures a tight fit between the awning and caravan, guaranteeing no poles can damage your van.
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