Tent and Awning Reviews Index > Vaude > Base Dome III Reviews
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Average User Rating:8.5/10 from 2 reviews Viewed: 10268 times
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2 Reviews of the Base Dome III
By: Ir1976 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2001 Rating: 
Good lightweight family tent at 11.7kg packed. Used in the family for over 10 years. Shock cord in poles goes as is not easy to dry and can pool water on roof a little sometimes. Good and stable in winds and made very well. Not having a ground sheet in the living area can mean you can suffer rising damp - but keeps pack size and weight down. Only reason it's still not the 'main' tent is that we have outgrown it.
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By: Swrhal Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2001 Rating: 
Picked up this tent from ebay - I'd heard that vaude were a good make- so took a chance, funny enough its like a smaller version of my Vango! But what a difference in quality - you can see and feel the attention to detail, the poles glide through their mesh with ease, and the aluminium poles are light and strong. The canvas is light but waterproof - its 4 berth so two inner tents and a living area - ample room - so if you see one come up for sale- highly recommended
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Manufacturer's Description
Increased interior space and a protected entrance area, the bigger brother of the Base Dome II
Simple and quick to set up using the linkage clip is the Base Dome.
A spacious family tent with two separate sleeping compartments. The additional single pole increases the input field and the rainproof allows relaxation of the apse in convenient 1.90 meters. With two inputs and one 9 sqm interior, nobody comes to his feet.
Excellent ventilation through Vaude Top-Vent system and additional mesh windows.
... there may be more info on their website
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