Tent and Awning Reviews Index > Eurohike > Trent Reviews
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Average User Rating:8/10 from 4 reviews Viewed: 25792 times
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4 Reviews of the Trent
By: Johnm3487 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2001 Rating: 
Tent in question is now at least 15 years old (By my reckoning anyhow & used dozen times) never been resealed and has just spent a week in the Scottish highlands with one night of heavy rain (two spots of water on the centre ground sheet that had dripped from the door ties), and 2 nights of strong winds (stable and secure. Yes sleeping pods are a tight squeeze with air beds but I found taking the hooks of at the corner D rings and moving sleeping pod more towards centre of ground sheet worked well. My only issue know is I need to replace a zipper on the front door. Much the same as all the other reviews on this tent good buy and still doing the business.
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By: Campingdad2011 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2009 Rating: 
I bough my tent second hand as a cheap holiday for me and my kids and it was great! A little on the small side if its for 4 adults but me and my 3 kids did just fine in it. The pods were a bit small as the slope of the tent is very severe.
The tent is so simple to pitch, I have never put a tent up before at all and had to do it by myself with 3 kids under the age of 5 tearing around all excited and I had it done and dusted in about 20 minutes.
Whilst we were away we had high winds, driving rain (for short bursts) and even one morning with a bit of frost (in June!) and the tent stood firm with no dramas and no leaks.
My personal opinion is that the tent is brilliant for short trips but I have just bought a larger tunnel tent for longer breaks.
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By: Sally43 Reason: I've used one Made in: 2005 Rating: 
Just about to replace this one as it has come to the end of its life really - used about 12 times and beginning to get tatty. It has also leaked in very heavy rain and not a comfortable tent for four - the pods too small so the outer person is squashed and gets wet if it rains and tent damp. However - last Bank Hol when the wind blew and blew and many tents on our site were damaged this one still stood so a good design.
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By: Chocolate-chip Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2004 Rating: 
This is a good quality tent, is quick and easy to pitch.
It sleeps 4 comfortably, but not to sit in with chairs, we can squeeze in 3 chairs with our bags and equipment(but then again I do bring quite a lot).
There is only standing room in the centre so you all have to dress in the centre part unless you can dress lying on your bed!
We mostly camp just the 2 of us, then we can store our stuff in the other bedroom compartment and have room to sit and eat in the centre if its cold or wet. Its a great size for us then.
Some people do feel a little squashed if sleeping on the outside as you sleep with the tent sloping over the whole person on that side- I have to sleep near the door(its a bit worse with airbeds as you are higher up!)
The groundsheet in the middle is separate so you so get bugs etc in the centre section. So far the tent has been very durable, kept us dry in the rain and stayed up in the wind! If you have to put it up in ba weather its good as the outer part goes up quick, then you are inside putting in the bedrooms and groundsheet.
I think its a great tent if you want something easy to put up thats not too big.
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Manufacturer's Description
4 person vis-a-vis style from Millets
... there may be more info on their website
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