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Tent Extension Reviews: Gelert Horizon Canopy

Tent and Awning Reviews Index  >  Gelert  >  Horizon Canopy Reviews

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8.5/10 from 2 reviews

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2 Reviews of the Horizon Canopy

By: Silveringchap  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2008   Rating: 

Bought a horizon porch for a Atlantis 5 as going cheaply. Fits remarkably well but if fitted to side, slights covers doorway unless situated over to one side slightly.Our is a different colour, but is going to be so practical when we go away as we'll have somewhere to cook if it rains and to take off shoes
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By: Beverleyjn  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2009   Rating: 

This is a real must we went on our first camping trip in July and to say the weather was against us was not doing it justice. It was hard enough putting up the tent but the canopy was like flying a huge kite.

Once it was up it was fab it kept the tent dry after our walks in the rain as we were able to leave our wet clothes and boots under the canopy. Also our dog Bert loved it, rather then being cooped up in the tent he was able to still have fresh air and stay dry. A definite must for British campers I feel.
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Manufacturer's Description

The Gelert Horizon Canopy would be an ideal extension to your Horizon tent. The Canopy easily attaches to the side of the tent and will provide more room for the user as well as additional protection above the door.


* Co-ordinates with the Horizon tent
* Easy to erect
* Adjustable webbing straps at the rear for increased stability


* WEIGHT - 8.7kg
* PACK SIZE - 59 x 18 x 18cm
* DIMENSIONS - 117L x 345W x 210Hcm
* OVERALL FLOOR AREA - 4.03 sq mts
* FABRIC - 190T Polyester with waterproof PU coating
* POLES - 2 x 19mm steel
* COLOUR - Blue or Green

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