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Tent Reviews: Khyam Chatsworth

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21.00 KG
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Average User Rating:
7.46/10 from 24 reviews

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24 Reviews of the Chatsworth         Showing 01 to 10          Page:   1   2   3  

By: Mbk34  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2016   Rating: 

I owned a Khyam Rigidome tent for 15 years and was very happy with it so I bought the Chatsworth Plus as a replacement.

Positives: The tent is easy to stand up in and goes up quickly - it takes me about 10 mins to fully set up the tent. It's also been completely waterproof.

Negatives: The poles don't seem strong enough for the tent and one joint has separated. The attachment points for the inner bedroom are also a weakness and one has already broken. If another one along the top goes then I'm not sure what I can do. At the front entrance you have to step over a 6' lip in the floor - I understand this might be useful if I you camp in a pond but it just causes everyone to trip every time they enter. My old Rigidome had 3 mesh walls which made the tent cool and kept the insects out but this new tent is more like a greenhouse with only one mesh entrance at the front and 2 plastic window doors at the side. I've never used the doors and they cause the heat to build up. I don't understand why you'd want 3 doors in such a tent anyway and it only adds to the weight. Which brings me to the weight - it's considerable but then all largish tents weigh a lot.

Mild annoyance: It would help if the circular joint at the top of the tent was marked front and back. That way I'd just set the tent up once rather than set it up then slowly turn the tent around on it's spindly legs until the front actually faces forwards.

I know I sound annoyed with the tent but it just seems a shame that they took a step backwards from the Rigidome tent that this tent is based on. We still get people coming across to ask about the tent and marvel about how quick it went up but I just feel this tent will never last as long as my last tent.
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By: Spitfirenellie  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2014   Rating: 

For years I'd been constrained by finances, in my choice of tents, always fibre glass poles. I saw the gazebo version of this tent, which we bought for work. I experienced how easily it went up, it's stability & size. With this experience I bought my chatsworth with confidence.

At first use, I could see rain approaching, fast. I managed to get the outer erected in about 5 minutes, single handed, neighbouring pitches where impressed, I stayed dry.

I found that the quality of the fabric used, did not encourage condensation within the sleeping area, a huge improvement on the cheaper tents I had been used too. Also the aluminium poles added much greater stability than the fibre glass poles, of previous tents.

I would only use this as a 4 person tent over a weekend, for a week away this is best for 2, but I find this true of all 4 berth tents.

The only downside to this tent is the pack size, I have a large estate car, it travels on the back seat, not in my over large boot, this is partially due to the amount of kit we take away for a week.

Would I recommend the Chatsworth, yes, if you are wanting a quality, well sized tent for holidays, and speed & ease of pitching is important. I feel the price will in the long run, be good value, as it should last a few more years than the cheaper options I've had in the past.
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By: 2pokes  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2013   Rating: 

This is the second Khyam we have owned having now downsized as the kids have left home. As ever it is so easy and quick to erect and has loads of space for us and the dog, not at all claustrophobic. Always holds up well to any weather. I would recommend these tents to everyone as they are so easy to use 15 mins and its up with the kettle on!
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By: Europetraveller  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2012   Rating: 

We have owned many Khayam Tents and have always been impressed with them. The tent packs down to a reasonable size and although I can carry the tent it is rather heavy if you need to lug it any distance. We also have a fitted carpet for the tent. I do tend to replace the pegs with more substantial ones as we camp on the continent a lot and some of the ground is very hard. The tent goes up very quickly. If we arrive at the same time as other tents we have always finished erecting our tent well before the others. The tent has a fully sewn in ground sheet and we have a ground sheet protector too. The downside to the sewn in ground sheet is it's made of a woven nylon type material and with heavy rain, water does seep through it, especially under the bedroom compartment. You don't tend to feel this as it is under either the bedroom area or the carpet. The door and window system is well designed with a side flap which can be pegged out to give ventilation for cooking and to help cool it down in hot weather. This can be left open all the time if necessary as it is at such an angle as to not allow rain in. The tent is reasonably stable when it is windy and so long as you aren't camping in winds above 25-30mph you should be okay. The space is great for us and the electricity flap and velcro fastenings for the ceiling light are great. The bedroom is really spacious for two persons with loads of room for bags etc. It would be cosy for four though. Overall I would definitely recommend this tent for you next Glamping trip.
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By: Parrya  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2012   Rating: 

Love this tent. Was a little unsure after reading some of the other reviews but noted that many of the problems seemed on tents which were a bit older and more recent reviews seemed good. Have owned several tents including Outwell and Vango models and this stacks up well. Was as easy as it seems to put up the main body of the tent but pegging out takes a little while. Bedroom and living space both good size and bedroom easily accommodated the double folding camp bed. It stood up to rain well, no leaks at all despite persistent rain. Only criticisms are that the side door can't be used in the rain unless you want the water to run in off the roof and it is rather awkward to get back in the bag.
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By: Cummo19  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2009   Rating: 

We have the blue Chatsworth and we use this as our smaller tent - we bought it as we wanted to pitch late evening and thought this would help. Its great to pitch quick but a word of advice, make sure you peg out well - its a great tent but a lot of its stability is gained through guy ropes, especially when the weather gets ropey. We also have the Classic Annexe which we use on the on the side which I would recommend for all your clothes and stuff, and if you travel light it can be used as a cooking area as the door is very large and its well ventilated. The beauty of this tent is that its easy to put up/down and you can add size if you need it, downside is that if you don't peg out well, this includes the annexe, it will not fair well in the rough weather. Overall we love this tent and it prevents arguments!
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By: Dinder  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2010   Rating: 

We bought this tent as my husband and I were fed up with arguing about which pole goes where. We have so far been round Scotland in 100 mph winds, sadly one bent pole, easily replaced, and the Suffolk and Norfolk coast. Again in high winds this time no problem. We love it, so quick and easy to erect and take down. Has saved our sanity and marriage.
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By: Elnjosh  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2010   Rating: 

I bought the Khyam as I wanted a quick erect tent. I put it up on my own, and find it easy once you do it a few times. Pegging out takes the time. I find it easy with the extra groundsheet as you can work out what space you need. The bedroom is ideal as you can have two small rooms or one big area. The living room is ideal if its raining as its big enough for chairs and a table.

The downside would be putting it back in the bag! it's quite big once down and I cant manage to put the poles and tent in the same bag.
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By: PeterPan997  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2011   Rating: 

We purchased the Chatsworth in June 2011.

Our reasons were; we wanted a quick erect tent with no hassle on getting it up, the Chatsworth fits the bill.

Went up very easy, we did not fit the sleeping area liner, we just fitted a curtain up, the whole tent was a lot bigger inside by this method, what we are doing for our next trip we have shortened the hooks lengths that holds the liner in place, this has the affect of pulling the liner tighter, will not droop as much!

The tent is big enough for two people like use who take the kitchen sink, not been tested in bad weather yet so can't comment, all in all we are pleased so far with the tent.
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By: Jacobite  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2010   Rating: 

Bought our first tent, the Chatsworth, March 2011 for two adults and a teenager. The quick erect system and style of the tent is what sold it to us (and the fact that Kyham had a sale on).

We pitched it once in the back garden with the sun out and no wind It took 18 minutes for 'The Wife' and I to pitch with only the four tri-guys used. We were both surprised how easy it was to erect.

We headed to Kelty Bridge in Callander (04/04/2011) for our first time using it for real. The weather was horrendous, heavy rain and strong winds! Most sensible people would have turned and headed home, but we decided if we could pitch in this weather, we could pitch in any in the future.

We took the tent out the bag and opened it up into the star shape. (Now I thought I had figured out where the front was, but got it wrong. Hence, when taking the tent down I also like other owners put a 'F' in the middle of the star to indicate when putting up the tent again what was the front end).

We got the tent onto its knees no problem and while 'The Wife' and son held it down I done the tri-guys. The rain started to really lash down now and the wind was picking up. Despite these weather conditions we finished getting the tent fully erected and all guy ropes out and tent pegged down in about 30 minutes.

Inside we put up the inner sleeping area tent no problem. It comfortably slept the three of us and would accommodate four adults for sleeping no problem. There is a divider that separates it into two sleeping areas, which was ideal for our teenage son who felt he had his own room.

The main living area is a good size and with myself being 6ft 1' I could stand no problem. We had three camping chairs and a table in the living area and still felt we had space to move around. If you wanted more equipment like electrical gadgets you'd probably struggle for space unless you had them on a space saver type thing in the corner. We noticed a small zip near the groundsheet that is about 6' long and we assumed this is for electric hook-up.

There is two windows that let in plenty light. This was great for us as we had to keep the porch and side door closed all the time with the weather.

At night is were the Chatsworth proved its worth. The rain was very heavy. Despite this, it never once showed any signs of leaking.

The wind was also very strong at times. There was a couple of times when strong gusts shook the tent and I was worried we'd take off! But the tent stayed in place.

Inspection of the tent in the morning showed no signs that it had been battered in the elements the previous night apart from a couple of guy ropes that needed sorted.

I know from reading previous reviews that people have experienced damaged poles etc, but the weather here was wild and no damage was done.

Taking the Chatsworth down is easy and quick, which was good as it was still raining!

Negatives are minor only. The zips are awkward to start with and take getting used too. The side door zip can easily catch on the outer flap that cover the zip. If you have children keep a eye on them when they are using them. We lowered one side of the poles at the back of the bedroom to stop water collecting near the poles. It can be awkward to get the tent back into its bag, but you soon get the knack of it - small end of rolled up tent at the zip end of bag!

Overall, this is a fantastic tent. We knew what we were buying in terms of berth size and tent dimensions. It done its job. It kept us dry in very bad weather conditions and didn't move an inch. Also watch the video on the Kyham website on how to pitch the tent and break camp, it really helps.
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24 User Reviews of the Chatsworth - Showing 01 to 10          Page:   1   2   3  

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Manufacturer's Description

The Chatsworth is a simple yet elegant and spacious tent, built using our unique Rapidex pole system. The fully sewn in 150D polyester groundsheet greatly enhances user comfort. It is a 4 berth tent that is ideal for couples or young families touring from a car. An optional annexe is also available for extra space.

This large family tent is perfect for a last minute weekend away or longer stays. Erecting and pitching in minutes the Khyam Chatsworth can be put up easily by one person (its even easier with two!)

The large inner tent provide a spacious,comfortable sleeping area complete with inner pockets and a clip-in dividing wall. Ideal for up to 4 people.

We also recommend the use of our tailored SPS Groundsheets which will protect your integral groundsheet from sharp stones and also keep it clean and dry.

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