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Motorhome Awning Reviews: Khyam Motordome Tourer

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Average User Rating:
6.8/10 from 10 reviews

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10 Reviews of the Motordome Tourer

By: Rocketmailboy  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2015   Rating: 

I thought I'd better leave this review to give another slant on this awning. We recently bought a Motordome tourer after reading these reviews (and others on VW forums). Having previously had traditional steel pole and the bendy fibre glass type before, we wanted something quicker to put up. Yes, the awning itself goes up in 5 minutes and is very easy; however it still takes ages to peg out as you really need to peg every guy rope and loop to stop it bellowing in the wind. On its very first outing, the back of the awning collapsed on my Son's head in the middle of the night during a mild storm. Closer inspection revealed that two poles had snapped on the bottom plastic knuckle joint. The wind cannot have been gusting more than 20-25mph! I have been camping in gusts of 50 mph in a 1970's frame tent with no damage and so this left me feeling very underwhelmed with this product. Kyham have been very helpful and offered a full refund, and I have replaced it with a rigid pole design. I have lost all confidence in the quick-erect system; it has a bad design flaw. The plastic knuckle joints are only designed to bend one way and when forced the other way by even the slightest gust of wind, they sheer! Quick erect and rapid collapse.
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By: Kerouacfan  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2012   Rating: 

Bought the Motordome Tourer awning after researching best fit for VWs and buses with gutters. Made massive difference when on tour as that extra space really does pay dividends; especially as the cool nights set in. Being drive-away it's perfect for saving your pitch and gives you that additional freedom. Ideal for cooking, storing stuff, hiding from midges and generally lounging about. Recently bought the 2-man inner tent and we are looking forward to testing that out this weekend.

As you can see from the photos the awning fits perfectly on a T2 VW camper and is also great as a free-standing tent.
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By: Campy124  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2011   Rating: 

Went for this for the ease of put up and build quality although these later ones are slightly cheaper made, but still good value for money. Got this direct from Khyam for £239 and then another 10% off from T4 forum. I was told it wont fit a T4 with a rail in the gutter but as you can see from my pictures it fits perfectly. Very happy and would recommend to a friend.
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By: Scigsy  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2010   Rating: 

Bought one of these after much research. Very glad with purchase. I'm able to put it up alone (unless windy when an extra pair of hands is needed). Plenty of room and good head height. Fits perfectly with our Bongo. Only one criticism - no handy pockets to put bits and bobs in.
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By: BiffyBoffy  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2010   Rating: 

We bought a 2010 model in the winter sale before the 2011 colour change was released for a bargain price. I chose the Khyam because my partner is on the small side so it’s a one man job for me to set camp up whilst she sits in her chair watching! It takes me about a minute to erect the awning up and a few minutes to attach it onto our awning rail. Once that’s done it’s just a matter of pegging the sides and corners down. I always use the four corner guy lines and if the weather takes a turn for the worse or we are camping by the sea I use the other nine to be on the safe side! Once pitched the awning is very light and airy with doors, windows, fly screens on all four sides for maximum versatility. When it comes to taking the awning down I find it takes most time making sure all the guy lines are sorted and ready for a quick deployment on the next use not just left loose. Taking the actual awning down also takes no time at all. Then stuffing it into the large bag along with the peg bag and figure of eight strips to go in the van.

Hopefully this awning will keep us going for a long time to come and I would recommend it to anyone.
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By: Jeanie47  Reason: I've used one  Made in: 2007   Rating: 

I have had one of these for years it has been with us everywhere. Been up in all sorts of weather. If all the guys are used it is very stable. I usually erect and take it down myself and I am a 5'3' under 9 stone girlie. If I can do it anyone can. I attach it to my VW with the pole and clamps. This can be difficult when its windy. There is plenty of room in it. Can easily cope with 4 adults. I also used the inner tent when I was away with my friend an her two kids. Weather was horrendous but me and my wee dog were as snug as a bug in the inner tent. I would say the ground sheet can't really be used if the inner tent is in position.

I would recommend the Khyam, the quick erect poles are great at long as they are put up correctly as in the video
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By: Binka  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2009   Rating: 

Bought one of these, had a practice run at home and it looked fine. Went away, as I put it up one of the knuckle joints broke, followed by a pole but it seemed to remain standing. We rang up for replacement parts but they took 3 days to come and the tent had totally collapsed by then. Another knuckle joint had also broke. Tent was unusable and I'm £140 out of pocket as I had to buy another tent so we had something to sleep in.
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By: Georget64  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2005   Rating: 

I have used mine for 3 years, usually as an extra room with my VW Campervan, but on occasions use the clip-in inner tent for guests. Certainly easy to put up and take down when you get used to it, and it does not take long.Strong winds do cause a problem. At times I have had to get up in the night and detach the rail from the vehicle,which has lifted in strong winds and is knocking against the van. Now I usually detach before retiring if winds are strong.Stability is good as there are a lot of guy ropes available if required. In normal conditions the 4 main guys suffice.

I did break one pole section and customer service from the supplier was excellent.There is a technique in putting it up in windy conditions, using the main guys to hold it down before it is raised to its full height. However nothing is perfect and last week I took it down on the Gower Coast in exceptionally high winds for safety (on a very exposed site in gale force winds)and had to manage without it. All in all I am very happy with it
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By: Camperman69  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2008   Rating: 

Have used the motordome classic 4 times this year with our VW Camper. Only once did we have a successful experience. As with other reviewers it is light and compact and very quick to erect. However, several times during moderate to heavy rain it let in water in several places - resulting in our childrens car seats being damp.

The worst problem is that its biggest asset of being able to be pitched quickly is also its biggest liability in terms of stability. Pitching is in one piece and the slightest breeze turns the awning into a huge kite due to the flexibility of the joints. In even the slightest breeze, droughts get into the awning and the whole structure starts billowing and straining. Twice we have have been up in the middle of the night trying to make it more stable or to take it down - not easy in the dark. The last straw was camping recently at Abersoch - a storm brewed up during the night and ripped it to pieces. Joints and poles snapped, webbing and elastic pegging points broke and it was a sorry sight in the morning.

My advice to anyone is to keep a careful eye on the weather and listen to the forecasts.
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By: Club Joker  Reason: I own(ed) one  Made in: 2008   Rating: 

Great drive-away awning, very quick and easy to set up, which can be handy if erecting or packing away in bad weather, also due to speed of putting up and taking down it encourages you to use it where you might not have wanted the hassle of putting up an awning for maybe a one-night stop if you had a conventional pole-and-sleeve threading type awning (the awning uses the Khyam Rapidex system, see Khyam website for video) The awning is ideal for smaller campervans as the awning rail height attachment has been designed to accommodate lower height `vans. Supplied with standard figure-of-eight type attachments, other types available from a Khyam dealer.

VERY robust and strong frame, actually designed to have the guys attached to the frame poles, unlike some other awnings which have weaker thin fibreglass poles. Mine stood up to severe gales in the Isle of Man at Easter, where other awings blew down or had to be hastily taken down to avoid destruction! Weatherweave material and taped seams show the quality of manufacture.

Light and airy inside, two sides open up completely and also have zipped opening full mesh sides for ventilation, the third side also opens up to a fixed full mesh side, the fourth side has the zipped full-height door for access and also a zipped cover over a small vinyl window. A pair of 2-section poles and extra guys are provided that allow you to have one open side erected as a canopy providing shade, which is very handy.

Extensive complement of decent quality pegs and highly visible guy-ropes. There is a 2 berth clip-in inner tent available that fits the awning, as well as a factory ground-sheet. I use a 2 meter square piece of Eco-groundsheet which is ideal and preserves the grass.

More expensive than most drive-away awnings, but having looked at others before buying, and having seen first-hand the lack of quality and robustness of some of the other popular awnings since, I can recommend the Kyham Motordome Tourer drive-away awning as a very good buy.
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Manufacturer's Description

Campervan or Caravan compatible, the Motordome™ Tourer drive away awning creates extra living or stand alone storage space, and you can always add the optional 2-berth inner in case guests arrive.
The Tourer has a footprint of 2.55 x 2.55m. The side 'J' doors as well as the main front door with canopy poles offers complete versatility, wherever you pitch. Built using the unique Rapidex pole system, this Motor-Dome erects in seconds and pitches in minutes. Ideal for a whole range of Campervans and Campervan size vehicles including T25's, T4's & T5 California, as well as other similar sized vehicles including the Mazda Bongo and Toyota Hiace.

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