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Newbie help 17/07/2006
Cheers Dave, i will go and look... read more Newbie help 17/07/2006
Hi Bunny, the vario is a nice shape if a little big. There are 4 of us 2 adult and 2 children. No bu... read more Newbie help 17/07/2006
We have just brought a Sunncamp vario and it is as draughty and noisy, after a windy weekend i... read more Sewn in groundsheets or not.......? 16/07/2006
Very interesting as we have just brought a Sunncamp vario and it is as draughty and noisy, after a&n... read more What do you sleep on? 03/07/2006
Canvas type camp beds £7.99 each in Argos, they fold up small in to their own bag and are very comfy... read more
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